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  1. When you visit the seaside do you find yourself thinking more about the watery depths than your tan line? Do you often day dream about getting a job on an ocean liner so you can sail the Seven Seas? Did you just answer yes to both of these questions but you're still concerned about your education? Have you ever thought of oceanography? Just like biology is the study of the bio and geography is the study of the geo, oceanography is the study of the ocean-o. Ocean scientists do their research where the air smells of salt and rotting fish and when dry docked they tend to gather in poorly lit seaside taverns and wax poetically about their voyages over a couple of adult beverages. Is this getting too romantic? Let's bring it back to reality. This year's Tyler Prize, thought of as the Nobel Prize for the environmental sciences, was awarded to two esteemed scientists, Paul Falkowski and James J. McCarthy, from Rutgers University and Harvard College respectively. Falkowski's research looked to the microscopic creatures living in the ocean and the impact they had on the evolution of Earth's overall climate. McCarthy looked at marine nutrient cycles and put together a big part of the puzzle about how human activity affects Earth's climate. He also worked with many top scientists to help inform policy and determine the global impacts of climate change. Attending either of these schools is by itself a high achievement, but if you are interested in environmental science and doing research, you can do a lot worse than be influenced by one of these two scientists and those that work with them.
  2. The Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowships at Harvard offer short-term research opportunities to individuals interested in working on special projects designed to advance journalism in some new way. Candidates need not be practicing journalists, but must demonstrate the ways in which their work at Harvard and the Nieman Foundation may improve the prospects for journalism’s future. This may be related to research, programming, design, financial strategies or another topic. Both U.S. and international applicants are invited to apply. In addition to working journalists, those who should consider applying include publishers, programmers, designers, media analysts, academics and others interested in enhancing quality, building new business models or designing programs to improve journalism. Project proposals may be completed during the time spent at Harvard or be part of a larger undertaking. All visiting fellows are expected to be in residence in Cambridge during their study and present their findings to the Nieman community at the end of their research period. There are no academic prerequisites, and a college degree is not required. Successful applicants are invited to the Nieman Foundation for a consecutive period ranging from a few weeks to three months, depending on the scope of the project. Knight Visiting Nieman Fellows have access to the extensive resources at Harvard and throughout Cambridge, including local scholars, research centers and libraries. Successful applicants also have the opportunity to work with Nieman Fellows and the various projects housed at the Nieman Foundation, including Nieman Reports, Nieman Journalism Lab, and Nieman Storyboard. Learn more about recent Visiting Fellows including Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Paul Salopek, who used his time at Harvard to plan an epic seven-year reporting trip walking across the globe to trace the path of human migration, and Hong Qu, chief technology officer for Fusion, who spent time on campus developing his Keepr application to help journalists and other users better follow stories on Twitter. Keepr was put to the test in April 2013 during the Boston Marathon bombings when Hong used his algorithm identifying reliable information as events unfolded. Read Nieman curator Ann Marie Lipinski’s thoughts on the importance of the visiting fellowships: New Knight Visiting Nieman Fellows: Journalism Needs Everyone’s Help. Other Key Points For Visiting Fellows who will not be supported by an employer during the fellowship, a stipend prorated for the length of the fellowship will be provided ($1,225 per week). If a Visiting Fellow does not reside in the Boston area or otherwise have accommodations, free use of a furnished one-bedroom apartment will be available for the length of the fellowship. Visiting fellowships take place during the calendar year. There is no fixed date when visiting fellowships begin. The application asks candidates to list their preferred start date. If selected, Nieman will take that preference under consideration and will work with the fellow to determine that date. Additionally, Nieman will decide each fellowship duration, which may be fewer than the number of weeks requested within the application. At least five Visiting Fellows will be selected each calendar year. As many as 11 Visiting Fellows have been selected in a given calendar year. Advice to Candidates Be sure to consider whether your needs are better met by our longer Nieman Fellowship, geared toward broader inquiry and professional development. A focused inquiry is better than a broad one. Two or three months speed by quickly and having clear goals — even if it’s only a part of a larger project — is important. Visiting Fellows are expected to prepare by planning ahead of their time at Harvard. The application deadline for the 2018 Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowships is Sept. 29, 2017. For questions about the application process, contact Nieman Fellowship program administrator Nicole Arias or call 617-495-2238. http://nieman.harvard.edu/fellowships/nieman-visiting-fellowships/
  3. PRESTIŽNI svetski univerzitet Harvard završilo je više od 200 Srba. Svaki na svoj način, posle završenog usavršavanja u Americi, bio je promoter naše nauke i kulture. Većina od njih sledila je i tradiciju najumnijih Srba da pomognu zavičaju, ali i da ga predstave u nimalo podesnim okolnostima. U tome se nisu štedeli, kao i ovih dana kada potvrđuju da su se izborili da prestonica Srbije bude centar okupljanja harvardskih pravnika iz cele Evrope, upravo kada njihov fakultet obeležava dva veka postojanja. - Velika čast je što je Beograd domaćin ovako važnog događaja - kaže, za "Novosti", advokat Bogdan Gecić, koji je organizovao ovaj skup u Beogradu. - Okupili su se najbolji evropski pravnici, nekadašnji harvardski studenti. Potrudili smo se da promenimo sliku o Srbiji, jer je u njihovu memoriju duboko upisana ona iz devedesetih. Nadam se da smo uspeli, poruka koju će takvi ljudi odneti u svoju zemlju ista je kao i pet godina reklame Srbije na Si-En-Enu. Gecić je svoje snove pretvorio u javu - završio je postdiplomske studije u prestižnoj američkoj visokoškolskoj ustanovi. Iako je dobio posao u prestižnoj brokerskoj kući u Briselu, vratio se u zemlju da pomogne svojim kolegama. - Mislim da sam bio četvrti ili peti Srbin koji je primljen na pravni fakultet na Harvardu - govori nam Gecić. - Prvi je bio akademik Tibor Varadi. Brokerska kuća u kojoj sam dobio prvi posao, posle završenih studija, bavila se zastupanjem velikih firmi, a moj prvi predmet bio je spajanje njujorške i nemačke berze. Za moju usku specijalnost, antimonopolsko i evropsko pravo, bio je to apsolutni karijerni vrhunac. Ali, odlučio sam da se vratim u Srbiju. I, nisam pogrešio. Ovde se dešava pravna revolucija, čekaju nas ulazak u Evropsku uniju, promena i prilagođavanje mnogih zakona. Izuzetno je interesantno i kreativno. Pravni fakultet unutar Harvarda jedan je od najeminentnijih u svetu. Pre sedam godina Gecić je bio jedini Srbin, a sada ga pohađa troje mladih ljudi sa našeg prostora. - To je veliki uspeh. Stvari se menjaju i nadam se da će se taj trend nastaviti. Mlađe generacije imaju drugačiji odnos prema inostranstvu - objašnjava Gecić. - Poslednjih godina povećava se broj onih koji uspešno apliciraju za Harvard. Mladi ljudi ne znaju da su studije na Harvardu za mnoge besplatne. Za razliku od Beogradskog univerziteta, Harvard je zadužbina sa budžetom od 32 milijarde dolara. Harvard nije elitistička skupina dece bogataša, već umnih ljudi. Svi koji budu primljeni - kriterijumi su strogi, upiše se pet odsto od onih koji apliciraju - a njihova porodica zarađuje manje od 65.000 dolara godišnje, oslobođeni su plaćanja školarine. U Srbiji postoji Harvard klub, koji ima pedesetak članova, od kojih je dvadeset aktivno. Naš klub jedan je od 150 ogranaka mreže udruženja diplomiranih studenata ovog američkog udruženja. Predsednica je Aleksandra Drecun, a Gecić je bio potpredsednik do pre dve godine. - Ne znamo koliko je naših ljudi završilo Harvard, pitanje je da li je tačno da nas ima oko dve stotine. Srbija kao samostalna država ne postoji dugo, pre raspada smo bili Jugosloveni, a univerzitet odbija da nam da podatke o tadašnjim državljanima. Znamo samo za one koji se sami deklarišu kao harvardski diplomci. Generalno, malo ljudi iz naše zemlje je pohađalo ovaj univerzitet. Ljubomir Ilić je prvi Srbin koji je doktorirao medicinske nauke na Harvardu. Nekoliko ljudi iz naše zemlje je završilo njihov fakultet političkih nauka "Kenedi". Među njima je Vuk Jeremić, a Božidar Đelić je završio "Kenedi" i ekonomiju. - Za studije medicine i prava na Harvardu, neophodno je da ste prethodno završili bilo koji fakultet - priča Gecić. - Prolaze samo najbolji, a da biste konkurisali morate da imate visoku prosečnu ocenu sa prethodnih studija. Polaže se prijemni, i tu "ne pali" veza, čak i da ste predsednik Amerike, ne možete progurati nekog svog. Harvard pokriva i sve prirodne nauke, ali naši ljudi, koji završe neki od prirodnjačkih fakulteta, retko se vraćaju u zemlju. - Uglavnom se vraćamo mi sa društvenih nauka, najviše ekonomisti. Prirodnjaci retko dolaze i to je razumljivo. Na Harvardu uče da rade na najsavremenijim uređajima, kojih ovde nema, tako da je znanje koje su stekli u Srbiji neprimenljivo - objašnjava Gecić. Harvardski studenti poreklom iz Srbije zauzimaju vodeća mesta u bankama, velikim korporacijama, partneri su u advokatskim kancelarijama, uspešni lekari... - Ono što dobijate na Harvardu je dobar start, a ne ono što je poimanje završetka fakulteta u Srbiji - sa diplomom ste postali gospodin - kaže naš sagovornik. - Moji drugovi sa Harvarda rade do dva ujutru, ne do pet po podne kao ovde. Završiti prestižan fakultet u Americi znači da si dobio bolju priliku, dok se kod nas podrazumeva - radnu nedelju od tridesetak sati, slobodne vikende... U Americi se radi koliko ima posla, makar završili i najbolji fakultet na svetu. Ostatak teksta pročitajte ovde - http://www.novosti.rs/vesti/naslovna/drustvo/aktuelno.290.html:667482-Posle-Harvarda-u-Srbiju-ovde-je-perspektiva .
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