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Vladimir Ilic


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Hey everyone!

My name is Vlada and I'm studying in the US on a small liberal arts college called Oberlin. I just finished my first semester there so I haven't declared my major yet. However, I plan to major in physics or double major in physics and math. Elizabeth and the people from the center helped me with everything, exams preparation as well as the application process. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be where I am now. Studying in the US is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me, so I would recommend everyone to give it a try. Getting accepted to a decent American school is not an easy thing, but the effort you build in the process more then pays of when you get accepted. First of all, you'll get an awesome education, especially if you study on a liberal arts college like me B). You'll learn a great deal about American culture and lifestyle but also meet people from all around the globe and experience many other cultures, mindsets and religious beliefs. Second, your hard work will be appreciated and rewarded and last, you'll have great apportunities for further studies or work after you graduate. And what's more important, you'll have tons of fun studying in the US cause they believe that beside storing loads of information in your head while studying you should also enjoy yourself.

That's what I think, if you have any questions about the general application process or college life or anything else you wanna know please don't hesitate to ask me.

Zdravo svima!

Zovem se Vlada i studiram u Americi na liberal arts koledzu zvanom Oberlin. Tek sam zavrsio prvi semestar tako da jos nisam izabrao major mada planiram da studiram fiziku ili da paralelno studiram fiziku i matematiku. Elizabet i ljudi iz centra su mi mnogo pomogli, sa spremanjem ispita kao i apliciranjem na koledz. Da nije bilo njih ne bih bio ovde gde sam sad. Studiranje u Americi je nesto najbolje sto mi se u zivotu desilo, zato bih svima preporucio da probaju. Biti primljen na pristojan koledz u Americi nije lako ali se trud itekako isplati kad vas prime. Prvo, dobijate izvanredno obrazovanje, posebno ako studirate na liberal arts koledzu kao ja. B) Naucicete puno o Americkoj kulturi i nacinu zivota ali takodje upoznati ljude iz svih krajeva sveta koji pripadaju drugim kulturama, imaju drugaciji mentalitet i religijska shvatanja. Drugo, bicete posteno nagradjeni za svoj rad i imacete odlicne prilike za dalje studije ili rad posle fakulteta. Sem toga, bice veoma zabavno da studirate u Americi jer oni veruju da osim edukativnog boravak na koledzu mora da ima i zabavan karakter.

To je moje misljenje, ako imate pitanja o pricesu aplikacije ili o studentskom zivotu ili o bilo cemu drugom slobodno me kontaktirajte.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ok mozda ce moja pitanja delovati glupo ali rizikovacu.Dakle, zanima me da li si dobio stipendiju ili sam finansiras?Koliko je tesko naci koledz koji ce te prihvatiti i plus ti dati stipendiju?Na sta najvise obracaju paznju?

Pitanje nije nimalo glupo. Izvinjavam se zbog kasnog odgovora.

Dobio sam punu stipendiju. Pod tim podrazumevam pun paket sa $3000 godisnjeg zajma koji moram da platim posle zavrsenih studija.

Iskreno receno dosta je tesko postici zadovoljavajuce rezultate i naci koledz koji ce da te primi sa zadovoljavajucom finansijskom pomoci. Sto se trazenja koledza tice, to umnogome zavisi od rezultata na testovima i uspeha u skoli. Sto su vam bolji rezultati mozete konkurisati na bolji koledz a sto je koledz skuplji to vise nudi finansijske pomoci. Tako da je trazenje i upis na fakultet umnogome odredjeno uspehom u srednjoj skoli i rezultatima na testovima.

Obracaju paznju na ocene iz srednje skole, uspehe na entrance exams, pisma preporuke i eseje uz aplikaciju. E sad, tesko je reci na sta najvise obracaju paznju. Ja bih rekao da su to prijemni ispiti (pogotovo SAT) jer im daju uvid u intelektualni potencijal kandidata ali nisam siguran. U vecini slucajeva ocenjuju ljude u celini na osnovu svih rezultata zajedno i na osnovu "celokupnog utiska" mada je tesko reci kako to tacno rade.

Nadam se da je ovo pomoglo.

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  • 2 months later...

Dragi Vladimire,

ja imam samo jedno pitanje. Kako si mogao da dobijes loan, kad internacionalnim studentima nije dozvoljeno da imaju bilo kakav vid loan-a pogotovu ne u prvom semestru studija?


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Dear Fila,

Vlada is obviously very busy these days - last time I checked with him, he was spitting out a giant research paper ;) So I will explain the nature of these loans. This is something that we see quite a bit with students that are on academic merit funding programs. The loan is provided by the school or at least the school is the cosigner/provider/guarantor for the loan. The loan is usually not a great deal of money, certainly not the entire cost of the education, and the terms are VERY FAVORABLE!

I hope that this answers your question.


Dragi Vladimire,

ja imam samo jedno pitanje. Kako si mogao da dobijes loan, kad internacionalnim studentima nije dozvoljeno da imaju bilo kakav vid loan-a pogotovu ne u prvom semestru studija?


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