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I am thinking about college choice and what i find difficult so far is distinguishing majors. i have heard about possibility of choosing more, so i practically finish two types of majors and than determine with which one will i proceed. Is this common situation on each college or just on L.A.? I am e.g. interested in accounting (major is finance) and i found on Stanford site that it is available only in 3rd year of study. which majors i am attending till 3rd year?

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Okay, this is a tough question. First of all, you have to realize that the US education system is quite different than most. The first two years of study focus on the study and examination of a wide range of subjects to help students develop and refine critical thinking skills. It is mostly about learning "how to" learn and interactive engagement with professors as opposed to just pouring over books. These first two years are generally referred to as the "core" requirements. Most students from Serbia do very well in this system because they have just a broad study program in high school. Then, when they reach the American university, they have an opportunity to concentrate on fewer subjects, but work more in depth. The idea behind this is to prepare students to become scholars.

At the same time, you will be able to take a certain number of courses that you choose - these are called electives. Thus, it is possible, at most schools - note that I said MOST - to remain undecided on a major until the end of second or beginning of third year. Then, when you enter the third year, it is like total immersion in your field of study.

Now you must remember that schools in the US are diverse and I am speaking in generalties. For example, an engineering student will enter into the engineering program almost immediately. However, the majority of students will spend two years learning the art of being a scholar. It probably sounds strange to you, but it is one of the richest and most life transforming aspect of the US education system.

Yes, many schools offer the opportunity for a double major. This is also becoming rather trendy. Probably the best thing to do is to attend an advising session if you have not been yet and to visit our center and spend some time in our library looking at the various schools. It is really important to actually study schools and try to find a place that suits your needs.



I am thinking about college choice and what i find difficult so far is distinguishing majors. i have heard about possibility of choosing more, so i practically finish two types of majors and than determine with which one will i proceed. Is this common situation on each college or just on L.A.? I am e.g. interested in accounting (major is finance) and i found on Stanford site that it is available only in 3rd year of study. which majors i am attending till 3rd year?
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