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College Scholarship questions


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Zdravo svima, nov sam ovde i samo me interesuje par pitanja u vezi dobijanja stipendija:

Ja sam trenutno 3. godina srednje skole i izuzetno sam zainteresovan za studiranje u SAD (Uglavnom zbog naseg razocaravajuceg obrazovnog sistema) ali mi je potrebna dobra stipendija.

Ja sam drugu godinu srednje skole zavrsio u SAD (Preko A-SMYLE programa, za one koje znaju sta je to) i tamo sam bio odusevljen nacinom rada.

Moja pitanja su:

1) Koliko je bitan prosek u skoli, podrazumevajuci da sam u SAD imao mnogo, mnogo bolji prosek nego u Srbiji.

2) Iskreno, kakve su mi sanse?

Moj Prosek: I - 4.07 II - 3.9x (ne secam se tacno, mrzi me da trazim sada ocene od tamo - naravno, prosek je podrazumevajuci da su ocene na skali od 1-4) i III - 4.00.

ACT: 28 (mada planiram SAT u oktobru)

TOEFL: polazem u avgustu, ali nije toliko problem


Hi, im new here and I have just a couple of questions to ask about getting college scholarships in the US:

I'm a highschool junior (3rd grade) from Novi Sad, Serbia and I am really interested in going to college and studying in the US (My main reason is the, for me at least, disappointing educational system that we have in Serbia - study minor things that you will forget shortly afterwards). But I really need a good scholarship...

I finished my sophmore year (2nd HS grade) in the US, in Missouri, through the A-SMYLE exchange program and i was thrilled with the educational system and the work ethics.

My questions are:

1) How important is my HS GPA considering that it was a lot higher in the US than in Serbia.

2) Sincerely, what are my odds?

My GPA: 1st grade - 4.07 2nd grade (US) - 3.9x ( 4 point scale - cant remember exactly and dont have the time now to search for my transcripts) 3rd grade - 4.00

ACT (took it in the US) - 28 - i might take the SAT in october though and im looking for a good score

TOEFL - taking in august and i should do well

Also, I am a member of quite a bit of clubs in school and have done a lot of volunteer work if it helps to get the scholarship.

Hvala unapred! / Thanks in advance!

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Zdravo svima, nov sam ovde i samo me interesuje par pitanja u vezi dobijanja stipendija:

Ja sam trenutno 3. godina srednje skole i izuzetno sam zainteresovan za studiranje u SAD (Uglavnom zbog naseg razocaravajuceg obrazovnog sistema) ali mi je potrebna dobra stipendija.

Ja sam drugu godinu srednje skole zavrsio u SAD (Preko A-SMYLE programa, za one koje znaju sta je to) i tamo sam bio odusevljen nacinom rada.

Moja pitanja su:

1) Koliko je bitan prosek u skoli, podrazumevajuci da sam u SAD imao mnogo, mnogo bolji prosek nego u Srbiji.

2) Iskreno, kakve su mi sanse?

Moj Prosek: I - 4.07 II - 3.9x (ne secam se tacno, mrzi me da trazim sada ocene od tamo - naravno, prosek je podrazumevajuci da su ocene na skali od 1-4) i III - 4.00.

ACT: 28 (mada planiram SAT u oktobru)

TOEFL: polazem u avgustu, ali nije toliko problem


Hi, im new here and I have just a couple of questions to ask about getting college scholarships in the US:

I'm a highschool junior (3rd grade) from Novi Sad, Serbia and I am really interested in going to college and studying in the US (My main reason is the, for me at least, disappointing educational system that we have in Serbia - study minor things that you will forget shortly afterwards). But I really need a good scholarship...

I finished my sophmore year (2nd HS grade) in the US, in Missouri, through the A-SMYLE exchange program and i was thrilled with the educational system and the work ethics.

My questions are:

1) How important is my HS GPA considering that it was a lot higher in the US than in Serbia.

2) Sincerely, what are my odds?

My GPA: 1st grade - 4.07 2nd grade (US) - 3.9x ( 4 point scale - cant remember exactly and dont have the time now to search for my transcripts) 3rd grade - 4.00

ACT (took it in the US) - 28 - i might take the SAT in october though and im looking for a good score

TOEFL - taking in august and i should do well

Also, I am a member of quite a bit of clubs in school and have done a lot of volunteer work if it helps to get the scholarship.

Hvala unapred! / Thanks in advance!

Prosek u ?koli, američkoj ili lokalnoj u Srbiji, je bitan, ali najvi?e kredibiliteta izvlači SAT. Neko ko je kao vi sada u trećem razredu srednje ?kole trebalo bi da se ?estoko sprema za taj ispit i da priprema i TOEFL, jer već na jesen mora da pola?e. Apliciranje za koled?e je tokom kasne jeseni ili zime i nema vremena za gubljenje. Ovo leto mora da se iskoristi za pripremu ispita.

Iskreno, ?anse su velike svima koji se na vreme spremaju i dobro polo?e odgovarajuće ispite. Vama koji ste iz prve ruke iskusili američki obrazovni sistem mo?da čak bude i lak?e, jer vam je način rada već poznat. To mo?e da vam koristi pri spremanju za SAT.

Da se razumemo - ?anse su velike i na?im srednjo?kolcima ako ozbiljno shvate SAT, pripremaju se i imaju solidan prosek i dodatne aktivnosti. Podrazumeva se da će se pisati i eseji, juriti preporuke profesora, birati koled?i, ali iznad svega toga je naporan rad koji budući student mora da ulo?i u pripremu ispita.

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