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Msc Vs Mba, Pitanje...

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Nisam nasao neku slicnu temu, pa sam otvorio ovde. Interesuje me par stvari, pa bi bilo ok, ako neko ima slicna iskustva, da posavetuje. :)

Naime, planiram da upisem neki jak master u oblasti menadzmenta posle zavrsenog fakulteta, pa me interesuje prvenstveno razlika izmedju MSc-a i MBA. Posto sam planirao da upisem odmah posle fakulteta, po nekim informacijama koje imam, to ne bi mogao da bude MBA, posto zahteva dosta radnog iskustva. Inace, tek krecem na drugu godinu fakulteta, tacnije Fon-a, ali mislim da je ok da vec razmisljam u tom pravcu, da bih znao na sta najvise da obratim paznju.

Takodje me interesuje koje su najbitnije stvari za prijem na tako jake master studije, na dobrim skolama, prvenstveno u Evropi. Prosek je visok, nameravam da tako ostane. Pa me interesuje koliko on igra ulogu u celoj toj prici, da li je visok rezultat na GMAT testu odlucujuci, ili se zahtevaju i druge stvari.

Ako neko moze da podeli neku informaciju, prvenstveno oni koji su konkurisali na tim studijama, bio bih zahvalan. :)

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There are many differing opinions on this matter, but one of the best definitions that I like is from the book in our library, How to Get Into the TOP MBA PROGRAMS , a classic tome by Richard Montauk. Montauk uses the LBS model that describes two types of careers. One is the vertical career where a person is moving up by greater expertise within his or her field. The other is the transitional career where a person wishes to change from a specific area of business, say accounting, to a broader area that encompasses more aspects of the business, including overseeing all operations, people management, number crunching and analysis, as well as other elements of the decision making process.

One of the first and most striking differences is that many MBA programs require previous working experience, where as an MS in finance or another specific area usually does not require work experience.

Some MBA programs offer a dual degree of MBA and MSc, as you will see during your research. Many MBA programs are known for certain areas of managerial expertise such as Accounting, Finance, and other areas. The Haas School of Business even offers a dual MBA and J.D. (Law) program.

What is most important, in most cases, is to look at the various programs that schools offer and determine which program is more attuned to helping you meet your career goals, including the professors that you will study with and the contacts that you will make.

Another great difference is that many top MBA programs provide loans to international students that do not require a co-signer, whereas many other masters programs do not.

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