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Stipendije za postdiplomske studije


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Interesuje me da li neko moze da mi kaze kolike su sanse da dobijem stipendiju za postdiplomske studije iz oblasti turizma? Trenutno zavrsavam cetvrtu godinu na PMF-u u Novom Sadu a prosek ce mi je oko 9,70. Gde mogu da nadjem ponudu fakulteta iz ove struke?

Hvala unapred!

Gordana :D

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Interesuje me da li neko moze da mi kaze kolike su sanse da dobijem stipendiju za postdiplomske studije iz oblasti turizma? Trenutno zavrsavam cetvrtu godinu na PMF-u u Novom Sadu a prosek ce mi je oko 9,70. Gde mogu da nadjem ponudu fakulteta iz ove struke?

Hvala unapred!  

Gordana :)

Sa takvim prosekom sanse su prilicno visoke, ali nije sve samo u proseku. Prvi korak bi vam bio da saslusate nase redovno savetovanje za buduce postdiplomce u SAD, koje se odrzava sredom u 15 casova, ili da sacekate nas skori dolazak u Novi Sad. Predavanje ce u tom slucaju biti odrzano u Americkom kutku, ali jos uvek ne znamo tacan datum. Ponude mogu da se nadju u prirucnicima koji se nalaze u nasim prostorijama, a jedan deo postoji i na odredjenim Internet sajtovima. Ukoliko niste u mogucnosti da prisustvujete predavanjima, uputicemo vas sta da uradite na pocetku procesa pretrage.

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Bilo bi stvarno odlicno kada bi jedno takvo predavanje bilo odrzano i u Novom Sadu. Da li ce informacija o tacnom datumu odrzavanja biti postavljena na strani "Novosti" ili ovde u forumu? Ne bih htela da mi to promakne... :)

Predavanje ce biti odrzano u Novom Sadu, ali jos uvek nismo sigurni kada ce to biti. Datum ce definitivno biti najavljen u delu sajta "Novosti", na forumu, a unapred ce biti najavljen i preko Americkog kutka u Novom Sadu. Pratite obavestenja na nasem sajtu!

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  • 6 months later...

Dear E-voan,

First of all, svaki cast on the great marks and the moot court.  We generally have the advising on Wednesdays at 15.00, but we ask students to please sign up by phone (334 5227) in advance because sometimes we have conferences or other events.  Also when you sign up, if you are not here by 15.00, we call to confirm with you so that we do not start without you.

Your chances for the USA are very good, but for lawyers, you might want to check our scholarship forum and see what is available for L.L.M students.  These degree programs have scarce funding, so they are very competitive.  However, there are other options for you as well.  International Relations programs are one route.  There are other programs that could be interesting as well.  

It would probably be best for you to visit the scholarship forum to get an idea of the many programs that are out there and make an appointment to attend the advising for graduate students.  It lasts about an hour and a half, but it gives a broad overview of the process.

Best regards,


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