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Posts posted by belladonna

  1. njihov sajt gde mozhesh neopisivo mnogo da saznash: www.julliard.edu

    za upis ti treba toefl ako ti engleski nije prvi jezik CHAK iako si uchila u shkoli gde je predavanje na engleskom ili imash drzhavljanstvo

    postoji i audicija koja se odrzhava na samom fakultetu ili odredjenim gradovima gde imaju predstavnistvo... ostali procesi su isti kao i kod bilo koje shkole u americi. najbolje vidi na sajtu, dosta je opshirno..

    shkola nije bazirana samo na baletu, ima tu i modernog plesa, jazz, tap i slichno... deluje prilichno zanimljivo a ima i opcija gde se dobija diploma bachelor of fine arts i za to se uzima odredjen broj chasova iz oblasti liberal arts and sciences (vrlo shiroko obrazovanje od biologije do jezika i vechinom mozhe da se bira predmet.. :) ja studiram na liberal arts and sciences fakultetu i odushevljena sam :))

    ono shto je za julliard karakteristichno je da se vechinom zahteva da se sve 4 godine zhivi kod njih...

    ja sam o julliard chula samo pozitivno..

    iskreno mislim da je shto se mene tiche, studiranje u americi jedna od najpozitivnih stvari koje sam uspela da postignem.. zato, ako se interesujesh o tome, procheshljaj njihov sajt, akademski centar je uvek tu da pomogne i vidi mozhda nadjesh nekog ko je bio tamo i mozhe josh vishe informacija da ti da.

    srechno! :) i nadam se da sam bila od pomochi


  2. hey!

    poshto sam vech online i budzham po forumu reshih da pokusham da ti odgovorim na par pitanja jer sam kroz ceo taj proces vech proshla.

    koliko ja znam za polaganje SAT testa treba da se prijavish preko sajta www.collegeboard.com. ja sam se prijavila za majski ali sam sticajem okolnosti morala da pomerim za mart. I nije bilo nikakvih problema, jer ti se na sajtu pojave svi centri koji su u moguchnosti da te prime za odredjeni period. NA sajtu ti se nalaze i cene, dodatne usluge i preko sajta si u moguchnosti da shaljesh rezultate shkolama. Svaka shkola ima svoj kod za SAT test i ukucash kod ili ime shkole, nadjesh je na listi i prijavish se da ti rezultate shalju toj shkoli. Dakle, college board sve sem samog testa uradi za tebe! ;) Treba da ukucash neke svoje podatke i shkole che te ubrzo nakon shto su dobili rezultate najverovatnije kontaktirati putem emaila ili obichne poshte.

    samom prijavnom za polaganje SAT testa collegeboard se obavezuje da poshalje tvoje rezultate onim shkolama koje ti navedesh, mislim da ti je besplatno do 8 shkola a da za svaku sledechu treba da se plati tipa 10 dolara ili tako neka cena.

    ja sam test polagala 10. marta a rezultati su mi stigli 3. aprila... ali otprilike za rezultate treba da prodje od 4-6 nedelja...

    tamo che ti pisati i do kada treba da se prijavish za polaganje u oktobru ali dobro obrati pazhnju da se prijavish na vreme jer postoji i late fee. mozhesh josh sad da vidish koji je rok ja mislim...

    eto....toliko od mene, nadam se da sam dobro objasnila, i srechno sa upisom na zheljeni fakultet! :)

  3. Dear Elizabeth,

    I would love to visit you guys any time, you are just so helpful and frendly! However, I am already in the United States and I probably won't be coming to Serbia until december. But, at that time I will be glad to pay you guys a visit and see if there is something new in the education system and pick up some more useful tips for studying in the US. ;)

    As for financia aid, well, unfortunatelly, my university was not able to give me any as their deadline was way past when I applied. However, that is not stoping me to try and get financial aid or maybe a scholarship next year. (I've always been an optimistic kid.)

    As for the career center, I'll visit it even before my college starts- when going on orientation.

    There is something I found out while browsing through my brochure- DePaul organizes freshmen courses called Explore Chicago and Discover Chicago! I can't wait for it to start! Exploring the city and actually learning from it? Sounds great to me!

    I found out about De Paul University because my cousin had a friend that attended it and loved it so I went to the campus, saw what they have to offer and was really quite amazed and satisfied with what I saw. However, we will see If they'll live to the expectations when the fall quarter starts. :)

    My mom was amazed how you guys stay in touch with all your students just checking on them every once in a while! :) thanx for everything! :):):)

    Regards, Ivana

  4. Yeah, that's just like me to forget to mention the most important thing about going to college- the name of the college! ;)

    DePaul was my first and only choice! :)

    It's in Chicago, Ill and has a great campus! I've visited DePaul twice and I am very pleased by the looks of it. It has a campus in Lincoln Park (Liberal Arts and Sciences and the School For New Learning) and a campus in the Loop (downtown I think-I just passed by and it look pretty cool) and I think they have a campus at O'Hare, I'm not sure since I'm only interested in the Liberal Arts and Sciences campus- that's where I'll be.

    So that's about it. If there's any questions just ask!!! :)

  5. ;) Hey everyone! My name is Ivana and I've been one of the incredibly stupid but even more lucky people to get into college in the US!!! you ask yourselves why do I say for myself that I'm incredibly stupid? Well, maybe I'm not but some of my decisions definitely were...

    I started my college preparation really late and I've applied to only 1 college....yes, you're seeing correctly ONLY ONE college.

    Now as my college isn't Ivy League I figured I had a fair chance of getting in... Then I saw that they have only 1% of international students and I got scared.... and then I got the acceptance letter!!!!

    So in September I'm off to college! :)

    Now as I 'm just starting college in a couple of months I think I'll be better help then. But what I want to say to you guys reading this is that even if you do get accepted there is SO MANY things you have to do...just too much paperwork if you ask me! Be prepared for quite a hassle ... I just hope that in the end it's worth it (and I think it IS :))!

    Even though I though I was just another dreamer that is going to have just another dream not come true I realized that wishing to study in the US is one of those dreams that can come true (but only if you work hard on them to come true!!:)). So, don't give up....

    And if there's any way I can help....feel free to ask!

    PS Oh, and just one more thing, I really really owe a lot to the IAC so, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU because you guys really know quite a lot and thanks for sharing all the info and helping me get to where I want to be- in an American college.

    Ivana Savic

  6. Dear elz,

    Thank you for answering my question. :)

    I wish to attend college this fall and I am aware that I am extremely late so when I started my college search I looked only at the colleges that have rolling admission. It happens that my first choice has rolling admission so I must say I am quite happy about that. However I am also aware of the school costs which scare me (comparing US tuitions to ours is scary to everyone I imagine :) ) so I am in search of a scholarship or some form of financial aid. For the time being I 've aplied to only one college (DePaul) but I am in contact with two other universities I consider applying.

    As I already mentioned being really late in my college preparation I must also mention I am not well informed about the whole financial aid process so I am interested in knowing more about it. I would also like to know do I get benefits from being a US citizen or not?


  7. Dear IAC,

    I took the SAT in march, right after your preparation seminar and now that I've decide where to go I have a question to ask you regarding the university I wish to attend.

    DePaul admission requirements:

    Required: SAT Reasoning Test or ACT

    Very important admission factors:

    Character/Personal Qualities

    Rigor of secondary school record

    Academic GPA

    Important admission factors:

    Class Rank

    Application Essay

    Extracurricular Activities


    Standardized Test Scores


    Volunteer Work

    Work Experience


    Alumni Relation

    Geographical Residence


    Racial/Ethnic Status

    Religious Affiliation or Commitment

    State Residency

    First generation college student

    Level of Applicant's Interest

    I was wondering If you could answer my question regarding the aplication essay- is there a specific topic I must choose or is that up to me? :)

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