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Priprema za digitalni SAT General, ispit potreban za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 4. marta 2025. godine. Ovaj termin priprema prilagođen je polaganju testa u maju 2025. godine, ali se može iskoristiti i za junsko polaganje. Centar ne može da garantuje da će biti kreirana posebna grupa polaznika za junski test u narednom periodu. Test se od početka 2023. godine isključivo obavlja u digitalnoj verziji u ovlašćenim centrima za polaganje. Više informacija o terminima, cenama, novom obliku testa i drugim detaljima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu ispita Na tom istom sajtu prijavljujete i plaćate polaganje na izabranoj lokaciji. Prijava za zvanični test odvojena je od priprema i mora se platiti na navedenom sajtu. Savetujemo vam da što pre prijavite polaganje i platite termin pošto je broj mesta u centrima za testiranje ograničen. Za sva pitanja o registraciji za test kontaktirajte Centar tokom radnog vremena. Priprema se organizuje onlajn uz mogućnost da pojedini časovi budu uživo u prostorijama Međunarodnog akademskog Centra u Beogradu. Termini su utorak i četvrtak, uz mogućnost organizovanja pojedinih časova subotom. Nastava uključuje i određene vrste simulacija koje će posebno biti najavljivane polaznicima. Kada se pripreme završe, kandidati i dalje mogu da vežbaju uz dostupni materijal sa nama bez ikakvog plaćanja i da se konsultuju sa predavačima oko delova testa koji im mogu biti problematični. Program pripreme obuhvata nastavu i materijal iz različitih izvora za rad na časovima i od kuće. Kandidati za pripremu dobijaju i pristup dodatnim resursima onlajn. Časovi obuhvataju pripremu za oba dela testa, jezički i matematički, a predavači će osim lekcija i pregleda vežbanja moći da odgovore na pitanja o strategiji za polaganje i da preporuče eventualnu dodatnu literaturu za pripremu ako želite da je nabavite. Priprema košta 51,000 dinara i plaća se u dve rate. Prvi deo u iznosu od 32,000 dinara se plaća na početku, a drugi deo na polovini kursa. Pre početka priprema potrebno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Test je dostupan onlajn i link će biti prosleđen svim kandidatima za pripremu nakon prijave na sajtu Centra. Prijava za pripremu obavlja se na našem sajtu popunjavanjem odgovarajućeg formulara na stranici . Ako imate problema sa formularom, molimo vas da nas nazovete tokom radnog vremena na 0113349639 ili 0653349639 ili pošaljete e-mail na .
Priprema za digitalni SAT General, ispit potreban za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 4. marta 2025. godine. Ovaj termin priprema prilagođen je polaganju testa u maju 2025. godine, ali se može iskoristiti i za junsko polaganje. Centar ne može da garantuje da će biti kreirana posebna grupa polaznika za junski test u narednom periodu. Test se od početka 2023. godine isključivo obavlja u digitalnoj verziji u ovlašćenim centrima za polaganje. Više informacija o terminima, cenama, novom obliku testa i drugim detaljima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu ispita Na tom istom sajtu prijavljujete i plaćate polaganje na izabranoj lokaciji. Prijava za zvanični test odvojena je od priprema i mora se platiti na navedenom sajtu. Savetujemo vam da što pre prijavite polaganje i platite termin pošto je broj mesta u centrima za testiranje ograničen. Za sva pitanja o registraciji za test kontaktirajte Centar tokom radnog vremena. Priprema se organizuje onlajn uz mogućnost da pojedini časovi budu uživo u prostorijama Međunarodnog akademskog Centra u Beogradu. Termini su utorak i četvrtak, uz mogućnost organizovanja pojedinih časova subotom. Nastava uključuje i određene vrste simulacija koje će posebno biti najavljivane polaznicima. Kada se pripreme završe, kandidati i dalje mogu da vežbaju uz dostupni materijal sa nama bez ikakvog plaćanja i da se konsultuju sa predavačima oko delova testa koji im mogu biti problematični. Program pripreme obuhvata nastavu i materijal iz različitih izvora za rad na časovima i od kuće. Kandidati za pripremu dobijaju i pristup dodatnim resursima onlajn. Časovi obuhvataju pripremu za oba dela testa, jezički i matematički, a predavači će osim lekcija i pregleda vežbanja moći da odgovore na pitanja o strategiji za polaganje i da preporuče eventualnu dodatnu literaturu za pripremu ako želite da je nabavite. Priprema košta 51,000 dinara i plaća se u dve rate. Prvi deo u iznosu od 32,000 dinara se plaća na početku, a drugi deo na polovini kursa. Pre početka priprema potrebno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Test je dostupan onlajn i link će biti prosleđen svim kandidatima za pripremu nakon prijave na sajtu Centra. Prijava za pripremu obavlja se na našem sajtu popunjavanjem odgovarajućeg formulara na stranici . Ako imate problema sa formularom, molimo vas da nas nazovete tokom radnog vremena na 0113349639 ili 0653349639 ili pošaljete e-mail na .
Arqus Joint Master's Programme European Studies Europe as a Global Actor Call for applications 2025 The Arqus Joint Master’s Programme European Studies is a full-time master’s programme which you complete over 2 years with a total of 120 ECTS credits. It brings together the expertise and academic excellence of four partner universities and is offered entirely in English. The programme focuses on the relationship between Europeanization and globalization, the impact of global developments on Europe and the changing role of the continent in the new world order. It is organized as a joint programme that allows you to profit from a wide range of options in complementary focus areas and from a unique intercultural experience due to an international composition of students in the programme. More info:
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Each year, hundreds of professional journalists from around the world apply for 10 WPI fellowship slots. The chosen finalists represent some of the best journalists in their respective countries. They are innately curious, intelligent and ambitious, and approach journalism with a deep sense of dedication and responsibility. Does that sound like you? Applications are open now until February 15, 2025 for our 2025 cohort. Gain access to, engage in and observe the role, responsibility and impact of a free press firsthand in one of the world’s largest, most diverse democracies. Through an immersive program, you will learn how the U.S. founding principles of a free press and journalistic best practices help foster transparency and accountability of government institutions, businesses and organizations, including the most powerful ones. In a guided tour across the country – including DC, Chicago, New York City, San Francisco, and more – you will meet with and interview subject matter experts in media outlets, think tanks and advocacy organizations. You will hear firsthand accounts of new business models being tested and implemented among national and local media outlets. You will learn about U.S. history and current affairs, as well as challenges the U.S. media faces, while experiencing and reporting on social, economic and political issues. You also will interact with people from a variety of walks of life and get some free time along the way to explore on your own.
Opportunities at Loughborough University to study for a PhD in Communication and Media and other Social Science disciplines Loughborough University is a member of the Midlands Graduate School ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership, which awards a large number of studentships to outstanding applicants across the Social Sciences. We would like to invite prospective PhD applicants with proposals for research in media and communication that align with our research expertise in; Political Communication – mis/disinformation, public sphere, political campaigns, journalism and the future of news Language and social interaction – healthcare, crises and emergencies, disordered talk, AI and voice technologies Media, memory and history – cultural and art history, collective memory, museums, media time and rituals Media and identity – gender, ethnicity, nationalism For a full-list of CM staff and their research interests, go to; Successful applicants would become members of the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture (CRCC) which is an interdisciplinary community interested in how communication and culture shape the key challenges of our times. Since 1991, we have developed into the largest research centre of this kind in the UK. The 2021 Research Excellence Framework ranked us 5th in the UK and the 2022 QS World University Ranking placed us in the top 100 for communications and media research For further information about the studentships, see - Please send a research proposal (1000 words) and a CV (two pages) to Dr Michael Skey, The proposal should include a project title, summary of the problem/significance, main research question, indication of key literature/theoretical concepts and proposed research method(s). It would be helpful if you could indicate two or three members of staff who you might like to work with Professor Sabina Mihelj U.3.16, Communication and Media, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Loughborough University Tel: +44(0)1509 223363 | Webpage | Google Scholar| Twitter Research projects | (Mis)translating Deceit| The Illiberal Turn | Pandemic Communication in Times of Populism | Screening Socialism Books | NEW – Open Access The Illiberal Public Shere | From Media Systems to Media Cultures: Understanding Socialist Television Latest articles – Open access Digital Monument Battles | The Ambivalences of Visibility | Platform Nations | Establishing Trust in Experts During a Crisis | News Consumption and Immigration Attitudes | Digital Nationalism | Audience Engagement with COVID-19 News
Artists and cultural professionals can apply with a proposal to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in a Creative Europe country which is not their country of residence. The project should pursue two of the following goals: to explore: to conduct creative and artistic research, to investigate, inspire and work on a specific theme or a new concept to create: to engage in a creative process seeking to produce a new piece of artistic/cultural work to learn: to enhance competences and skills through non-formal learning or collaboration with a specialist to connect: to develop a professional network, to strengthen the professional development, to engage with new audiences The partner can be, for example, a fellow artist, an organisation or a venue in the country of destination. Applicants must provide proof of collaboration in the application process. It is possible to apply either as an individual or as a group of up to five people. Important: Culture Moves Europe mobility grant cannot be used to merely present previously created work. Projects that simply propose, for example, an exhibition or performance of a previously created work will not be considered. Culture Moves Europe, and these grants, exist to encourage creation, exchanges, connections, and fruitful learnings across borders. The project duration is the number of days spent in the destination country to implement the project: between 7 and 40 days for individual projects between 7 and 14 days for group projects The implementation of the project in the destination country must be uninterrupted, which means that segmenting the implementation of the project into different periods is not accepted. The selection of projects is divided into three duration categories and estimated as follows: Approximately 70% for short-term projects (7 to 14 days) Approximately 23% for medium-term projects (15 to 21 days) Approximately 7% for long-term projects (22 to 40 days) The earliest start of travel and project implementation is 60 days from the monthly deadline and not before the Culture Moves Europe team receives the signed grant agreement from the selected applicant. All projects must be finalised no later than 30 April 2025. Grantees must submit the activity report up to one month after finishing the project’s implementation. Source: Third call for individual mobility of artists and cultural professionals | Culture and Creativity
UTEP Volleyball starts its games with Marty Robbins singing “Out in the West Texas town of El Paso,” followed by the college fight song as the players take to the court. Among them are two players from the northern Serbian city of Belgrade. The two outside hitters, Sara Pustahija and Ema Uskokovic have become critical players for the UTEP Miners. They were recruited by Nikola Petrovic, an assistant coach and international recruiting coordinator. He is also a native of Serbia. Petrovic joined the UTEP volleyball program in 2019. Uskokovic, was one of his first recruits for UTEP Volleyball. She was a familiar face to Petrovic long before connecting in El Paso. “I know Emma for, I think over ten years, I follow her development for long time because, my parents and her parents and we have like long connection. My best friend was coaching her back home. Anytime when I would go and watch my friend coach and everything I would see them play,” Petrovic said. For Ema Uskokovic, the decision to join UTEP was an easy one. “I’ve known Coach Nick for I don’t even know how many years now, he kind of recruited me, asked me if I wanted to come here, and I said yes,” said Uskokovic. In Serbia, Uskokovic won a gold medal with the Serbian U17 National Team at the 2018 Balkan Championships. Uskokovic was named to the C-USA All-rookie Team in her first year, 2021. Uskokovic did not play much in 2023 due to injury, but she has participated in every game this season in 2024. Uskokovic, a redshirt junior at UTEP, is seeing success on the court as a starter this year and is excited about an additional year of play. Following closely behind is Pustahija, who also credits Petrovic with her decision to play for UTEP. “He came to Serbia one, I think, spring that we met over there, so he kind of explained to me what, how is the work here, practicing and everything. So, I just committed shortly after we met in Serbia,” said Pustahija. Before moving to UTEP, Pustahija earned two Serbian Championship silver medals, the U17 Balkan Championship and the International City Tournament, and gold and silver in the Belgrade Championship. Pustahija was named to the C-USA All-Freshman Team in 2022 and broke the all-time service aces record in a single season with 55 aces. She started 28 games in her first year. In 2023, Pustahija posted double-digit kills twice, and started 11 matches before suffering a season-ending injury. Pustahija, a junior, has been experiencing success on the court as a starter. A home away from home While being recruited just a year apart, Uskokovic and Pustahija feel that El Paso has become a second home. Despite being more than 6,000 miles from home, the Serbian players have found comfort in the similarities between their homeland and the warm, and welcoming community of the border city. “I feel like El Paso City like that is just, you know, kind of different than all of the other American cities cause it’s on the border, and I actually love the culture, mixed of the Mexican and American culture,” said Pustahija. “I would say our people are very similar to the our culture is similar to the Mexican culture, so I think that’s why we fit in here so well,” said Uskokovic. Pustahija compares her hometown, Belgrade, to El Paso’s sense of community. “We’re really nice and open to other people. I feel like foreigns come to Serbia, especially to our hometown, Belgrade; I feel like they’re really welcome,” said Pustahija. Recruiting abroad Coach Petrovic’s recruitment of international players has tried to extend beyond Serbia. “We are trying to recruit the best recruits that we can find, best athletes, best volleyball players. So, in that moment, those were best players that we had in that recruiting class, for future, we don’t know, are we going to recruit kids from Serbia or from Egypt or from Turkey or from United States,” Petrovic said. The Serbian duo were the best recruit from their respective class and have played a fundamental role in the team’s success, especially this 2024 season. The UTEP Miners were the first NCAA D1 volleyball program to win 20 games this season. For the first time in program history, the team went to the 2024 NCAA Division I women’s volleyball tournament. As UTEP Volleyball expands its program, the Serbian bond and experiences that unite Petrovic, Uskokovic, and Pustahija are laying the groundwork for future international recruit success and add to the cultural diversity of UTEP’s athletic community.
Priprema za digitalni SAT General, ispit potreban za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 17. decembra 2024. godine. Ovaj termin priprema prilagođen je polaganju testa u martu 2025. godine, ali se može iskoristiti i za ostale termine u 2025. godini. Test se od početka 2023. godine isključivo obavlja u digitalnoj verziji u ovlašćenim centrima za polaganje. Više informacija o terminima, cenama, novom obliku testa i drugim detaljima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu ispita Na tom istom sajtu prijavljujete i plaćate polaganje na izabranoj lokaciji. Prijava za zvanični test odvojena je od priprema i mora se platiti na navedenom sajtu. Priprema se organizuje onlajn uz mogućnost da pojedini časovi budu uživo u prostorijama Međunarodnog akademskog Centra u Beogradu. Termini su utorak i četvrtak, uz mogućnost organizovanja pojedinih časova subotom. Nastava uključuje i određene vrste simulacija koje će posebno biti najavljivane polaznicima. Kada se pripreme završe, kandidati i dalje mogu da vežbaju uz dostupni materijal sa nama bez ikakvog plaćanja i da se konsultuju sa predavačima oko delova testa koji im mogu biti problematični. Priprema uključuje i novi eksperimentalni program vežbanja koji ulazi u cenu, a koji zainteresovani polaznici moraju posebno da prihvate. U okviru materijala moguće je koristiti i određeni materijal za pripremu u eBook varijanti. Priprema košta 51,000 dinara i plaća se u dve rate. Prvi deo u iznosu od 32,000 dinara se plaća na početku, a drugi deo na polovini kursa. Sam test ne ulazi u cenu priprema i mora se prijaviti na sajtu i platiti kreditnom ili debitnom karticom kojom se može plaćati na Internetu. Broj mesta za testove je ograničen i savetujemo svim kandidatima da se za test prijave što je pre moguće. Za sva pitanja o registraciji za test kontaktirajte Centar tokom radnog vremena. Na časovima se obrađuju jezički i matematički deo testa. Osim rada na samim časovima, sa predavačima ćete moći da razmotrite šta bi od dodatne dostupne literature moglo da vam bude od koristi za vežbanje pre polaganja. Pre početka priprema potrebno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Test je dostupan onlajn i link će biti prosleđen svim kandidatima za pripremu nakon prijave na sajtu Centra. Prijava za pripremu obavlja se na našem sajtu popunjavanjem odgovarajućeg formulara na stranici . Ako imate problema sa formularom, molimo vas da nas nazovete tokom radnog vremena na 0113349639 ili 0653349639 ili pošaljete e-mail na .
Priprema za digitalni SAT General, ispit potreban za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 17. decembra 2024. godine. Ovaj termin priprema prilagođen je polaganju testa u martu 2025. godine, ali se može iskoristiti i za ostale termine u 2025. godini. Test se od početka 2023. godine isključivo obavlja u digitalnoj verziji u ovlašćenim centrima za polaganje. Više informacija o terminima, cenama, novom obliku testa i drugim detaljima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu ispita Na tom istom sajtu prijavljujete i plaćate polaganje na izabranoj lokaciji. Prijava za zvanični test odvojena je od priprema i mora se platiti na navedenom sajtu. Priprema se organizuje onlajn uz mogućnost da pojedini časovi budu uživo u prostorijama Međunarodnog akademskog Centra u Beogradu. Termini su utorak i četvrtak, uz mogućnost organizovanja pojedinih časova subotom. Nastava uključuje i određene vrste simulacija koje će posebno biti najavljivane polaznicima. Kada se pripreme završe, kandidati i dalje mogu da vežbaju uz dostupni materijal sa nama bez ikakvog plaćanja i da se konsultuju sa predavačima oko delova testa koji im mogu biti problematični. Priprema uključuje i novi eksperimentalni program vežbanja koji ulazi u cenu, a koji zainteresovani polaznici moraju posebno da prihvate. U okviru materijala moguće je koristiti i određeni materijal za pripremu u eBook varijanti. Priprema košta 51,000 dinara i plaća se u dve rate. Prvi deo u iznosu od 32,000 dinara se plaća na početku, a drugi deo na polovini kursa. Sam test ne ulazi u cenu priprema i mora se prijaviti na sajtu i platiti kreditnom ili debitnom karticom kojom se može plaćati na Internetu. Broj mesta za testove je ograničen i savetujemo svim kandidatima da se za test prijave što je pre moguće. Za sva pitanja o registraciji za test kontaktirajte Centar tokom radnog vremena. Na časovima se obrađuju jezički i matematički deo testa. Osim rada na samim časovima, sa predavačima ćete moći da razmotrite šta bi od dodatne dostupne literature moglo da vam bude od koristi za vežbanje pre polaganja. Pre početka priprema potrebno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Test je dostupan onlajn i link će biti prosleđen svim kandidatima za pripremu nakon prijave na sajtu Centra. Prijava za pripremu obavlja se na našem sajtu popunjavanjem odgovarajućeg formulara na stranici . Ako imate problema sa formularom, molimo vas da nas nazovete tokom radnog vremena na 0113349639 ili 0653349639 ili pošaljete e-mail na .
Germany: Pre-Doc positions, University of Regensburg
administrator posted a topic in Academic Offers
The University of Regensburg, with over 20,000 students, is an innovative and interdisciplinary campus university offering a wide range of study programmes and research activities. The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (GS OSESUR) is an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research network of the Universität Regensburg, established in 2012 and financed by the University of Regensburg and the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts. It organizes a comprehensive doctoral training program earmarked to provide doctoral researchers with the skills and resources for the successful and timely completion of their PhD project. It offers training and advise both for academic and non-academic post-doctoral careers. For more information see: With its primary regional focus on East and Southeast Europe, the Graduate School collaborates across the following disciplines: History, Literary, Language and Cultural Studies, Social Anthropology, Law, and Area Studies. Research at the GS OSESUR focuses particularly on interrelations and interdependencies between East and Southeast Europe and other parts of the world. For this reason, the School’s expertise in Area Studies is complemented by insights from European History, North American Studies and other Area Studies, as present in the newly founded Department of Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies (DIMAS). The Graduate School also closely cooperates with the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Europe and America in the Modern World”. The GS OSESUR therefore especially welcomes projects with a transnational / transregional or comparative approach. The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies is offering two part-time positions (50 %) to be filled at the earliest date possible as a Pre-Doctoral Researcher (m / f/ d). The fixed-term contract is limited to 12 months (§ 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG). The successful candidates will be expected to develop an innovative PhD project and to write a funding application, to be submitted during the employment period, to securing the means to pursue a doctoral degree. The remuneration will be up to the E13 level of the German public sector pay grade (TV-L). Your responsibilities Preparing and submitting a funding application for a doctoral degree, ideally to be pursued at the University of Regensburg, with the planned dissertation contributing to the thematic focus of the GS OSESUR Participating in the doctoral programme of the GS OSESUR Participating in the outreach and transfer activities and other ongoing initiatives of the of the GS OSESUR and its partner institutions in Regensburg Developing your visibility as an early career researcher through publications, participation in conferences, international networking and research trips Your profile • An excellent track record, including a postgraduate degree (Magister, Master, Diploma, Staatsexamen or equivalent) in a relevant subject; if you have not yet formally graduated, you should have at least submitted your master’s thesis (or equivalent) by the application deadline • You have not yet started a doctoral degree either in Germany or abroad • You are proposing an original research project relevant to the research themes of the GS OSESUR • You are open to interdisciplinary collaboration and approaches • You have an interest in the categories of space and entanglement • You possess knowledge of languages relevant to the proposed research project • You have excellent English language skills, German language skills are a plus How to apply? • Send your application package in one PDF file via email to • Deadline: 8 December 2024 • The application shall include the following documents: - Cover letter (1 page), explaining also your motivation to join the Graduate School - Outline of your proposed doctoral project (3-4 pages), including details of why you consider it relevant to the GS OSESUR and why you are suited to undertake this project - Project schedule (timeline/work plan) Indication of who could serve as your primary supervisor at GS OSESUR CV, including any publications or talks given - Copies of your certificates (degrees and secondary education, language certificates etc.) - Abstract (max. 1 page) of your master’s thesis - Contact details of two university lecturers or professors who could provide a reference if requested What we offer • Ideal conditions for developing an excellent doctoral project in the humanities, cultural studies, social sciences, and law relating to East and Southeast Europe, including connections between these areas and their relationship to the global world • An excellent and dynamic research environment including participation in the doctoral programme of the Graduate School and cooperation with relevant area studies platforms and institutions in Regensburg, including the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, the Leibniz ScienceCampus, DIMAS, Denkraum Ukraine, and seeFField Support for early career researchers through the University’s Center for Graduate & Postgraduate Researchers (WIN) • The opportunity to apply for separate funding for research and conference trips • Intense advise, including peer mentoring • A global network of partner institutions • Family-friendly structures and sensitivity to issues of equity and diversity, based on the Graduate School’s comprehensive guidelines • A workplace in Regensburg, whose Old Town is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list The University of Regensburg aims to increase the number of women among the faculty, and therefore explicitly encourages applications by qualified women. The University of Regensburg is particularly committed to reconciling family and working life (for more information, see In case of essentially similar suitability, applicants with severe disabilities will be preferentially selected. Please indicate any severe disability in your application. Please note that the University of Regensburg does not reimburse any expenses related to job interviews. If you have any questions regarding the position, please send them to Dr Heidrun Hamersky (email:; Tel. 0941 943-5332). We look forward to receiving your applications as a single PDF document by 8 December 2024 via email to -
The Karl-Kaser-Visiting-Fellowship is aimed at early career researchers from the fields of history, social and cultural anthropology, ethnology, cultural studies and sociology. It aims at facilitating the transitory phase between the time following a PhD and the next academic career step. Applicants must have completed their PhD at a university in Southeastern Europe. The Junior Visiting Fellow will spend a semester in Graz to conduct and present research and collaborate with other researchers. The decision will be announced by mid January 2025. During the academic year 2025/2026, the Center for the Study of Balkan Societies and Cultures (CSBSC), in cooperation with the Research Unit for Southeast European History and Anthropology, Department of History, University of Graz, will host a Junior Visiting Fellow who will spend a semester in Graz to conduct and present research and collaborate with other researchers. The Karl-Kaser-Visiting-Fellowship is aimed at early career researchers from the fields of history, social and cultural anthropology, ethnology, cultural studies and sociology, who: follow a historical-anthropological approach in their research on Southeastern Europe; have recently (since 2022) completed their doctorate at a Southeast European university; wish to pursue transdisciplinary research paths with a focus on historical anthropology in their future career. The Karl-Kaser-Visiting-Fellowship is particularly intended to facilitate the transitory phase between the time following a PhD and the next academic career step. The fellowship includes 5,000 EUR for a four-month stay in Graz and a lump-sum of 500 EUR for research-related travel in the summer semester 2025 or in the winter semester 2025/2026. The Visiting fellow will also be provided with a workplace at the Research Unit of Southeast European History and Anthropology, have access to the intranet and library resources of the University of Graz and enjoy full participation in the activities of the Research Unit for Southeast European History and Anthropology and the Center for Southeast European Studies for a period of one semester (4 months, either March–June or October–January). During the stay, the Visiting fellow can also use the advisory services of the Research Management Service Center of the University of Graz for her/his project development. The UNESCO World Heritage City of Graz offers an inspiring urban environment, while the University of Graz is an excellent place for exchange and networking with a large variety of academics from different disciplines and backgrounds, especially due to its rich research tradition with regard to Southeastern Europe. The Visiting fellow is expected to hold a lecture and write a blog post on a topic of her/his choice related to Southeastern Europe. Visiting fellows are also encouraged to contribute to seminars, lectures and other teaching and research activities related to Southeastern Europe in Graz. The fellowship can only be taken up once the doctorate has been defended. Please submit with your CV a two-page research proposal and a work plan, an official confirmation that the PhD thesis has been defended successfully and the names of two referees in either German or English to suedost(at)
Ned Stevens joined the community
Posebni intenzivni kurs za pripremu digitalnog SAT, ispita potrebnog za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 15. oktobra 2024. godine. Kurs je posebno prilagođen polaganju testa u decembru 2024. godine, ali se može iskoristiti i za ostale termine u 2025. godini. Test se od početka 2023. godine isključivo obavlja u digitalnoj verziji u ovlašćenim centrima za polaganje. Više informacija o terminima, cenama, novom obliku testa i drugim detaljima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu ispita Na tom istom sajtu prijavljujete i plaćate polaganje na izabranoj lokaciji. Prijava za zvanični test odvojena je od priprema i mora se platiti na navedenom sajtu. Priprema se organizuje onlajn ili uživo u prostorijama Međunarodnog akademskog Centra u Beogradu. Termini su utorak i četvrtak, uz dodatak trećeg dana tokom radne nedelje po dogovoru, kao i subotom za pripremu matematičkog dela ispita. Nastava uključuje i određene vrste simulacija koje će posebno biti najavljivane polaznicima. Kada se pripreme završe, kandidati i dalje mogu da vežbaju uz dostupni materijal sa nama bez ikakvog plaćanja i da se konsultuju sa predavačima oko delova testa koji im mogu biti problematični. Priprema košta 48,000 dinara i plaća se u dve rate. Prvi deo u iznosu od 30,000 dinara se plaća na početku, a drugi deo na polovini kursa. Sam test ne ulazi u cenu priprema i mora se prijaviti na sajtu i platiti kreditnom ili debitnom karticom kojom se može plaćati na Internetu. Broj mesta za testove je ograničen i savetujemo svim kandidatima da se za test prijave što je pre moguće. Za sva pitanja o registraciji za test kontaktirajte Centar tokom radnog vremena. Na časovima se obrađuju jezički i matematički deo testa. Osim rada na samim časovima, sa predavačima ćete moći da razmotrite šta bi od dodatne dostupne literature moglo da vam bude od koristi za vežbanje pre polaganja. Pre početka priprema potrebno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Test je dostupan onlajn i link će biti prosleđen svim kandidatima za pripremu nakon prijave na sajtu Centra. Prijava za pripremu obavlja se na našem sajtu popunjavanjem odgovarajućeg formulara na stranici . Ako imate problema sa formularom, molimo vas da nas nazovete tokom radnog vremena na 0113349639 ili 0653349639 ili pošaljete e-mail na .
Posebni intenzivni kurs za pripremu digitalnog SAT, ispita potrebnog za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 15. oktobra 2024. godine. Kurs je posebno prilagođen polaganju testa u decembru 2024. godine, ali se može iskoristiti i za ostale termine u 2025. godini. Test se od početka 2023. godine isključivo obavlja u digitalnoj verziji u ovlašćenim centrima za polaganje. Više informacija o terminima, cenama, novom obliku testa i drugim detaljima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu ispita Na tom istom sajtu prijavljujete i plaćate polaganje na izabranoj lokaciji. Prijava za zvanični test odvojena je od priprema i mora se platiti na navedenom sajtu. Priprema se organizuje onlajn ili uživo u prostorijama Međunarodnog akademskog Centra u Beogradu. Termini su utorak i četvrtak, uz dodatak trećeg dana tokom radne nedelje po dogovoru, kao i subotom za pripremu matematičkog dela ispita. Nastava uključuje i određene vrste simulacija koje će posebno biti najavljivane polaznicima. Kada se pripreme završe, kandidati i dalje mogu da vežbaju uz dostupni materijal sa nama bez ikakvog plaćanja i da se konsultuju sa predavačima oko delova testa koji im mogu biti problematični. Priprema košta 48,000 dinara i plaća se u dve rate. Prvi deo u iznosu od 30,000 dinara se plaća na početku, a drugi deo na polovini kursa. Sam test ne ulazi u cenu priprema i mora se prijaviti na sajtu i platiti kreditnom ili debitnom karticom kojom se može plaćati na Internetu. Broj mesta za testove je ograničen i savetujemo svim kandidatima da se za test prijave što je pre moguće. Za sva pitanja o registraciji za test kontaktirajte Centar tokom radnog vremena. Na časovima se obrađuju jezički i matematički deo testa. Osim rada na samim časovima, sa predavačima ćete moći da razmotrite šta bi od dodatne dostupne literature moglo da vam bude od koristi za vežbanje pre polaganja. Pre početka priprema potrebno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Test je dostupan onlajn i link će biti prosleđen svim kandidatima za pripremu nakon prijave na sajtu Centra. Prijava za pripremu obavlja se na našem sajtu popunjavanjem odgovarajućeg formulara na stranici . Ako imate problema sa formularom, molimo vas da nas nazovete tokom radnog vremena na 0113349639 ili 0653349639 ili pošaljete e-mail na .
- sat
- digitalni sat
- (and 7 more)
Compass Law Group joined the community
Next Door Window joined the community
Priprema za digitalni SAT General, ispit potreban za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 1. oktobra 2024. godine. Ovaj termin priprema prilagođen je polaganju testa u decembru 2024. godine, ali se može iskoristiti i za ostale termine u 2025. godini. Ako planirate polaganje u novembru, priprema može delimično biti od koristi, ali morate da pre početka razgovarate sa predavačima oko dodatnih detalja. Test se od početka 2023. godine isključivo obavlja u digitalnoj verziji u ovlašćenim centrima za polaganje. Više informacija o terminima, cenama, novom obliku testa i drugim detaljima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu ispita Na tom istom sajtu prijavljujete i plaćate polaganje na izabranoj lokaciji. Prijava za zvanični test odvojena je od priprema i mora se platiti na navedenom sajtu. Priprema se organizuje onlajn ili uživo u prostorijama Međunarodnog akademskog Centra u Beogradu. Termini su utorak i četvrtak, uz mogućnost organizovanja pojedinih časova subotom. Nastava uključuje i određene vrste simulacija koje će posebno biti najavljivane polaznicima. Kada se pripreme završe, kandidati i dalje mogu da vežbaju uz dostupni materijal sa nama bez ikakvog plaćanja i da se konsultuju sa predavačima oko delova testa koji im mogu biti problematični. Priprema košta 48,000 dinara i plaća se u dve rate. Prvi deo u iznosu od 30,000 dinara se plaća na početku, a drugi deo na polovini kursa. Sam test ne ulazi u cenu priprema i mora se prijaviti na sajtu i platiti kreditnom ili debitnom karticom kojom se može plaćati na Internetu. Broj mesta za testove je ograničen i savetujemo svim kandidatima da se za test prijave što je pre moguće. Za sva pitanja o registraciji za test kontaktirajte Centar tokom radnog vremena. Na časovima se obrađuju jezički i matematički deo testa. Osim rada na samim časovima, sa predavačima ćete moći da razmotrite šta bi od dodatne dostupne literature moglo da vam bude od koristi za vežbanje pre polaganja. Pre početka priprema potrebno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Test je dostupan onlajn i link će biti prosleđen svim kandidatima za pripremu nakon prijave na sajtu Centra. Prijava za pripremu obavlja se na našem sajtu popunjavanjem odgovarajućeg formulara na stranici . Ako imate problema sa formularom, molimo vas da nas nazovete tokom radnog vremena na 0113349639 ili 0653349639 ili pošaljete e-mail na .
Priprema za digitalni SAT General, ispit potreban za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 1. oktobra 2024. godine. Ovaj termin priprema prilagođen je polaganju testa u decembru 2024. godine, ali se može iskoristiti i za ostale termine u 2025. godini. Ako planirate polaganje u novembru, priprema može delimično biti od koristi, ali morate da pre početka razgovarate sa predavačima oko dodatnih detalja. Test se od početka 2023. godine isključivo obavlja u digitalnoj verziji u ovlašćenim centrima za polaganje. Više informacija o terminima, cenama, novom obliku testa i drugim detaljima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu ispita Na tom istom sajtu prijavljujete i plaćate polaganje na izabranoj lokaciji. Prijava za zvanični test odvojena je od priprema i mora se platiti na navedenom sajtu. Priprema se organizuje onlajn ili uživo u prostorijama Međunarodnog akademskog Centra u Beogradu. Termini su utorak i četvrtak, uz mogućnost organizovanja pojedinih časova subotom. Nastava uključuje i određene vrste simulacija koje će posebno biti najavljivane polaznicima. Kada se pripreme završe, kandidati i dalje mogu da vežbaju uz dostupni materijal sa nama bez ikakvog plaćanja i da se konsultuju sa predavačima oko delova testa koji im mogu biti problematični. Priprema košta 48,000 dinara i plaća se u dve rate. Prvi deo u iznosu od 30,000 dinara se plaća na početku, a drugi deo na polovini kursa. Sam test ne ulazi u cenu priprema i mora se prijaviti na sajtu i platiti kreditnom ili debitnom karticom kojom se može plaćati na Internetu. Broj mesta za testove je ograničen i savetujemo svim kandidatima da se za test prijave što je pre moguće. Za sva pitanja o registraciji za test kontaktirajte Centar tokom radnog vremena. Na časovima se obrađuju jezički i matematički deo testa. Osim rada na samim časovima, sa predavačima ćete moći da razmotrite šta bi od dodatne dostupne literature moglo da vam bude od koristi za vežbanje pre polaganja. Pre početka priprema potrebno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Test je dostupan onlajn i link će biti prosleđen svim kandidatima za pripremu nakon prijave na sajtu Centra. Prijava za pripremu obavlja se na našem sajtu popunjavanjem odgovarajućeg formulara na stranici . Ako imate problema sa formularom, molimo vas da nas nazovete tokom radnog vremena na 0113349639 ili 0653349639 ili pošaljete e-mail na .
One-year scholarship program sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria for graduates of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European states for the funding year 2025/26 For the the academic year 2025/26, the Free State of Bavaria will once again be awarding one-year scholarships to graduates (with appropriate citizenship) from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. The scholarship is intended to finance postgraduate studies (i.e. Master's programs), PhDs or one-year research stays at a state or state-funded higher education institution in Bavaria. The one-year scholarship can generally be extended twice for up to 3 years. The scholarship is paid out monthly €934 and amounts to €11.208 per year. Students with at least one child receive €1.094per month, which amounts to €13.128 per year. The one-year scholarship program promotes academic exchange and scientific cooperation between Bavaria and Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Please note the following advice regarding the application process: FIRST TIME APPLICATION Deadline: December 1, 2024 Call for application for the funding year 2025/26 Application advice FAQs: Frequently asked questions Letter of Endorsement: Guidelines Application only online via StipSys-form EXTENSION APPLICATION Deadline: February 28, 2025 Call for application for the funding year 2025/26 FAQs: Frequently asked questions Expert Opinion: Guidelines Application only online via StipSys-form Complete application documents must be submitted to BAYHOST by the deadline using the online form. This is a closing date. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Applicants with the Czech citizenship please contact the Bayerisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur l Česko-bavorská vysokoškolská agentura. Our program flyer in English and German. Reports of former scholarship holders can be found here. Information, dates and addresses for studying in Bavaria via this link. Further useful information for (future) PhD students are available via the website "Research in Bavaria".
Job Vacancies at the University of Regensburg The University of Regensburg, home to 21,000 students, is an innovative and interdisciplinary campus university offering young people from Germany and abroad a wide range of research activities and courses. As part of the academic focus on Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, a team has been formed to examine informality, corruption and related phenomena in the context of the orthodox church from an interdisciplinary perspective. The central question addressed in the research project is how the perception of informality and corruption has developed and, in particular, how the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) institutionally deals with this topic (by, e.g., formulating regulations, commenting on cases of corruption in the country, or combatting corruption). There is one position to be filled, commencing November, 1, 2024. Research Associate (Postgraduate) (m / f / d) Part-time (25 hours per week) in the project "The Church as Organization and Actor: Informality and Corruption in Serbia and the role of the Serbian Orthodox Church (1991-2023)." Project Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Steger, Chair of Business Administration/Leadership and Organization. Fixed-term contract until October, 31, 2027. The remuneration is based on TV-L E 13. Your responsibilities: • Participation in the project mentioned above • Work on a doctoral thesis based on the project • Participation in meetings and workshops of the roof-project "Corruption and Religion: The Orthodox Christianity in Russia and Serbia" • Organizational support in project management Your profile: • You have an excellent academic degree (Master or comparable degree) in the field of social sciences, management or economics. • You have a good to very good knowledge of Serbian language (at least B2) • You are fluent in German and/or English (at least B2) • You are equipped with professional and self-management skills, and be highly motivated • You demonstrate communicative competence and a willingness to cooperate We offer the opportunity to: • Develop the scientific expertise and competences to successfully complete a PhD program of research. • Receive intensive support for your research project. • Work in an interdisciplinary team • Take part in special events dedicated to the theory, methods, and empiricism of corruption research • Participate in activities at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), the Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies, and the Leibniz Science Campus "Europe and America in the modern World" • Develop your professional and personal skills The University of Regensburg aims to increase the number of women among the faculty staff, and therefore explicitly encourages applications by qualified women. The University of Regensburg is particularly committed to reconciling family and working life (for more information, see case of essentially similar suitability, applicants with severe disabilities will be preferentially selected. Please indicate any severe disability in your application. Please note that the University of Regensburg does not reimburse any expenses related to job interviews. In justified cases, a job interview via Zoom is possible. If you have any questions, please contact Prof Dr Thomas Steger ( We look forward to receiving your application, which you should send to by September, 30, 2024.
You can apply here until 15 October 2024. We live in times of global uncertainty – this is the tenor of many current debates. Whether it is the consequences of climate change, the Russian war against Ukraine, political polarization and erosion of democratic institutions, the current inflation, the as yet unknown effects of technological innovations or the challenges of global health crises: Uncertainty has become a defining characteristic of our time. The interdisciplinary, international Scholarship Program “Uncertainty” by ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS reacts to these diagnoses of the times. We invite research proposals from the Humanities, Social Studies, Economics and Law shedding light on this complex issue. The program includes scholarships for different stages of Ph.D. research: six-month “Start Up Scholarships”, “Ph.D Scholarships” of one to three years and “Dissertation Completion Scholarships” of one year. In addition, the Foundation fosters ideas, interdisciplinary exchange, mutual learning and networking through workshops and annual conferences. You will find further information on the scholarship program and the requirements for applications here. The Foundation closely cooperates with an academic advisory board in developing the program: Prof. Dr. Michael Gruenberger (Bucerius Law School, Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen), Prof. Dr. Joern Leonhard (University of Freiburg), Prof. Dr. Sofia Naesstroem (Uppsala University), Dr. Colin von Negenborn (University of Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Claudio Pinheiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Dr. Lucas von Ramin (Technical University of Dresden), Prof. Dr. Shalini Randeria (Central European University, Vienna), Prof. Dr. Ranabir Samaddar (Calcutta Research Group), Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schwenker (ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS / HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management), Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick (Bielefeld University). Contact Matthias Koch, Project Manager Research and Scholarship,
SeeFField (“A small but fertile field: strengthening Southeast European Studies in Regensburg”) is pleased to announce a call for applications for our 2024/2025 International Visiting Research Fellowship Programme. We encourage early career scholars from South-Eastern Europe, historians, anthropologists, linguists, and scholars of cognate disciplines to apply. Fellows are expected to conduct research that resonates with the project’s intellectual profile, particularly developing comparative and trans-regional research perspectives. Fellows will be offered the opportunity to spend one month in Regensburg, using the IOS library, consulting colleagues at UR and IOS, attending talks and seminars, and presenting their research in our research seminar. We also encourage and support fellows to apply for long-term stays, for example, through the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation or the Marie Curie Sklodowska Programme of the EU. The one-month fellowship amounts to 4.000,00 EUR (which includes travel and accommodation). We will award a total of two fellowships for the academic year 2024/2025. Please submit your application by 30 September 2024, via the email: The application documents must include: • a brief description of your research in German or English (maximum three pages) • a detailed academic Curriculum Vitae, also naming two referees • copies of no more than three relevant articles (published or unpublished) • a statement on the preferred starting date of your stay (December 2024-June 2025). Please note that in the lecture-free period (7 February – 22 April 2025), our staff in Regensburg, whom you may want to consult may be away on research trips. For more information on the project and associated scholars, visit
Evans Belen joined the community
Davis Yuki joined the community
Club 13 changed their profile photo
Međunarodni akademski centar otvara dodatne pozicije za radno mesto administratora/proktora standardizovanih testova. Angažovanje izabranog kandidata je u rangu privremenih i povremenih poslova. Radni dani tokom sedmice su sreda, petak ili subota, maksimalno osam sati po radnom danu. Tokom pojedinih perioda godine angažovanje može biti potrebno i drugim danima tokom nedelje. OPIS DUŽNOSTI I OBAVEZA Nadgledanje standardizovanih ispita na papiru i na računaru je deo aktivnosti Međunarodnog akademskog centra. Odabrani kandidat za mesto administratora prati pravila testiranja, nadgleda standardizovane testove, asistira kod izrade dnevnih i mesečnih izveštaja, komunicira sa kandidatima i sponzorima testova kada je potrebno i učestvuje u aktivnostima planiranja kalendara testova. POTREBNE KVALIFIKACIJE A. Obrazovanje: Završena srednja škola i upisan fakultet. Iskustvo sa američkih obrazovnih institucija poželjno, ali nije neophodno za posao. B. Prethodno radno iskustvo: Nije neophodno. C. Trening: Obavezan u trajanju od dve nedelje. D. Znanje: Solidno znanje pisanog i govornog engleskog jezika obavezno. Kandidat mora biti u stanju da prati jasna pravila i precizne detalje poslovnih aktivnosti na engleskom jeziku. Komunikacija sa kandidatima za polaganje testa može biti na srpskom ili engleskom jeziku, a sa predstavnicima institucijama zaduženim za testiranje ili praćenje testova komunikacija je na engleskom jeziku. E. Veštine i mogućnosti: Kandidat mora da pokaže odlične organizacione i društvene veštine. NEPRIHVATLJIVI KANDIDATI Za radno mesto ne mogu da konkurišu kandidati za studiranje u inostranstvu koji su u poslednjih godinu dana polagali američke standardizovane testove za upis na fakultete. Kandidati za programe studija u inostranstvu moraju da imaju u vidu da će eventualno polaganje standardizovanih testova koje nadgledaju u okviru svojih dužnosti morati ranije da se najavi institucijama zaduženim za organizaciju testa, ali da to ne znači da će im polaganje biti onemogućeno. OSTALE INFORMACIJE Angažovanje administratora organizuje se tri dana nedeljno, sredom, petkom i subotom, sa povremenim mogućim dodatnim danima uključenim u kalendar. Radnim danima termini rada mogu biti i pre podne i popodne. Termini se unapred najavljuju i dogovaraju sa angažovanim radnicima. Angažovanje nije moguće na testovima koje polažu članovi uže porodice administratora. Naknada za svaki sat rada iznosi 400 dinara neto. PRIJAVA Kandidati šalju motivaciono pismo i CV na engleskom jeziku na e-mail . Pitanja o otvorenom radnom mestu pošaljite na . Kandidati odabrani u uži krug biće pozvani na razgovor na engleskom jeziku.
Wisconsin’s women’s basketball program announced the addition of Serbian wing Jovana Spasovski to its 2024-25 roster on Friday. Spasovski will become the second international player on the Badgers’ roster this fall, joining Spanish guard Alba Martìn Mesa. Both will suit up in Madison this winter as first-time Badgers. A native of Belgrade, Serbia, Spasovski enters the American basketball scene with a boatload of experience. As a member of basketball club Akson Ilirija, Spasovski registered 9.5 points, 4.2 rebounds and 1.2 steals per appearance across 23 games during the 2023-24 season. Spasovski also helped guide the Serbian National Team to a fourth place finish at the at the 2023 FIBA U20 Women’s European Championship in Lithuania. The Badgers will bring in five new players entering the 2024-25 season, including Spasovski, Martìn Mesa, walk-on Reese Jaramillo, former Northern Kentucky center Carter McCray and former Duquesne guard Tess Myers. UW will look to build off its 15-17 record from2023-2024. Wisconsin clinched a berth to the WNIT a season ago, its first postseason appearance in over 10 years.
HAMMOND, La. – Southeastern Louisiana University Athletics named seniors Slavko Stevic and Ka’Lyn Watson the school’s 2023-24 Athletes of the Year Wednesday. Stevic and Watson will be recognized at the 2024 North Oaks Health System Southeastern Athletics Hall of Fame Banquet Sept. 13, along with the 2024 Hall of Fame class of Amir Abdur-Rahim, Chris Laiche, Kevin Millican and Alex Young, as well as the 1975 national champion men’s track and field team. Volleyball standout Courtney Donald was elected to the 2024 class, but will take part in the 2025 ceremony due to a personal commitment. Tickets for the event are available at Southeastern Athletics has presented the Athlete of the Year to the department’s top male and female performers since 1990. Stevic, one of 10 track and field student-athletes to earn the honor, was named SLU Male Athlete of the Year for the second straight year. He is one of five student-athletes in school history, along with Young and women’s tennis standouts Renee Villarreal, Emilija Arnaudovska and Renata Smekalova to be named the school’s Athlete of the Year multiple times. Watson’s selection marks the third straight year the SLU Female Athlete of the Year has come from the Southeastern softball program. She joins Bailey Krolczyk, Aeriyl Mass, Jacquelyn Ramon, Mahalia Gibson, Katie Duhe and Sarah Gascon to give Lady Lion Softball seven Southeastern Female Athletes of the Year. Stevic, a native of Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia, capped one of the finest careers ever by a SLU student-athlete this spring. He pulled off the sweep in the high jump at both the Southland Conference Indoor and Outdoor championship meets. For his Southeastern career, he won four SLC championships in the high jump in both indoor and outdoor competition. Stevic qualified to compete in the NCAA Outdoor East Preliminary Round, but decided to forego the opportunity, instead attempting to qualify to represent his native Serbia in the 2024 Summer Olympics. Stevic was also an outstanding performer in the classroom, earning SLC Indoor Student-Athlete of the Year honors for the second straight time and claiming SLC All-Academic recognition for the fourth time. Watson was one of the catalysts of a 47-win SLU softball team that won its first-ever Southland Tournament title and advanced to the NCAA Tournament for the first time in program history. The Missouri City, Texas native was named SLC Hitter of the Year, first team All-Southland Conference and first team All-Louisiana after setting a new single-season school mark with 55 runs scored. Watson batted .394 with a league-high 31 steals – good for 12th in the nation. She also added 74 hits, eight doubles, five triples, six home runs and 39 RBI. Her strong play continued in the postseason, as she was named to the SLC All-Tournament team and hit a home run in an elimination game victory over No. 21 Clemson that sent the Lady Lions to the championship game of the NCAA Tuscaloosa Regional. The 2023-24 Male and Female Athlete of the Year were selected by the department’s head coaches and administrative staff. The 2024-25 Southeastern Athletics season kicked off with the first stop on the Coaches Caravan Tuesday at Greystone Golf & Country Club in Denham Springs. The caravan moves on to The Rusty Pelican (482 Myrtle Dr.) in Covington Thursday. The final stop sees the Lions and Lady Lions return to Hammond, America Wednesday at Gnarly Barley Brewing (1709 Corbin Rd.). All Coaches Caravan events start at 6 p.m. Southeastern’s first athletic competition of the 2024-25 season is set for Aug. 16 when the SLU women’s soccer team hosts Grambling at 7 p.m. in Strawberry Stadium. Southeastern Louisiana University Athletes of the Year 2023-24: Male: Slavko Stevic, Track and Field; Female: Ka’Lyn Watson, Softball 2022-23: Male: Slavko Stevic, Track and Field; Female: Bailey Krolczyk, Softball 2021-22: Male: Preston Faulkner, Baseball; Aeriyl Mass, Softball 2020-21: Male: Cole Kelley, Football; Female: Megan Gordon, Soccer 2019-20: Male: Isaac Adeyemi-Berglund, Football; Female: Jodi Edo, Volleyball 2018-19: Male: Corey Gaconi, Baseball; Female: Jaquelyn Ramon, Softball 2017-18: Male: Marlain Veal, Basketball; Female: Mahalia Gibson, Softball 2016-17: Male: Alex Young, Track and Field; Female: Ashley Davis, Track and Field 2015-16: Male: Jameson Fisher, Baseball; Female: Renee Villarreal, Tennis 2014-15: Male: Alex Young, Track and Field; Female: Renee Villarreal, Tennis 2013-14: Male: Bryan Bennett, Football; Female: Renee Villarreal, Tennis and Hope Sabadash, Soccer 2012-13: Male: Robert Alford, Football; Female: Courtney Donald, Volleyball 2011-12: Male: Brock Hebert, Baseball; Female: Maiya Cooper, Soccer 2010-11: Male: Tyler Watkins, Baseball; Female: Katie Duhe, Softball 2009-10: Male: Adonson Shallow, Track and Field; Female: Dana Mayer, Soccer 2008-09: Male: Cedric Scotto, Golf; Female: Kristy Carlin, Basketball 2007-08: Male: Wade Miley, Baseball; Female: Emilija Arnaudovska, Tennis 2006-07: Male: Chris Province, Baseball; Female: Emilija Arnaudovska, Tennis 2005-06: Male: Lars Laursen, Track and Field; Female: Iva Velkovska, Tennis 2004-05: Male: Chris Carter, Track and Field; Female: Kim McNally, Soccer 2003-04: Male: Amir Abdur-Rahim, Basketball; Female: Kendra Oney, Soccer 2002-03: Male: Chris Carter, Track and Field; Female: Sarah Gascon, Volleyball/Softball 2001-02: Male: Andy Smith, Golf; Female: Becca Weingartner, Soccer 2000-01: Male: Steve Trosclair, Baseball; Female: Christine Amertil, Track and Field 1999-00: Male: Jacques Chevallier, Golf; Female: Stacey Turner, Basketball 1998-99: Male: Macky Waguespack, Baseball; Female: Allison Holladay, Soccer 1997-98: Male: Grant White, Golf; Female: Simona Nedorostova, Tennis 1996-97: Male: Martin du Toit, Golf; Female: Anne Bauer, Volleyball 1995-96: Male: Sam Bowie, Basketball and Jeff Williams, Baseball; Female: Darci Starr, Volleyball and Deneka Knowles, Basketball 1994-95: Male: Harvey Baker, Basketball; Female: Felisa Howard, Track and Field and Rena Faust, Basketball 1993-94: Male: David Bennett, Track and Field; Female: Renata Smekalova, Tennis 1992-93: Male: Hank Washington, Basketball; Female: Renata Smekalova, Tennis 1991-92: Male: Troy Melancon, Baseball; Female: Millie Williams, Basketball 1990-91: Male: Oja Fjellstrom, Tennis; Female: Diana Brown, Track and Field
ameliasandres joined the community
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 2024 The CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism is meant to promote high-quality investigative journalism and acknowledge the efforts of investigative journalists often working under difficult conditions in the context of threats to media freedom and personal safety. FOCUS 2024 This year’s Award seeks to highlight the role of investigative journalism in raising public awareness of critical issues in the agriculture/food security, environment, and health sectors, with the aim of advocating for transparency and good governance as regards practices, procedures, funding. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS The Call is open to nationals of CEI Member States: Albania, Belarus¹ , Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine. The Award is divided into two categories: 1. PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS 4,000 EUR 2. YOUNG PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS (born on/after 1994) 1,000 EUR Category 1: candidates who have been actively involved in investigative reporting over the last three years and are still active in journalism. Two samples of journalistic work will be relevant for the evaluation from the jury. Category 2: candidates who have been actively involved in investigative reporting, even in the context of training activities organised by schools/ universities/ NGOs and, as a result, should have published at least one investigative story meeting all professional standards. One sample of journalistic work will be relevant for the evaluation from the jury. Print, Radio, TV, news agencies and Internet media are admitted. ¹Suspended HOW TO APPLY Candidates shall fill in the Online Application Form available here: The following documents in PDF format shall be uploaded: 1. Curriculum vitae (in English). 2. Recommendation letter (in English) written and signed by trustworthy individuals, journalism and media organisations, media companies, civil society organisations, journalism schools or universities, trade unions or other social organisations from the target countries. 3. Up to three samples of journalistic work in a single PDF document (minimum two samples in Category 1, one sample in Category 2). For online work samples, insert hyperlinks in a PDF document, or print out online articles in a PDF file. Hyperlinks need to be accessible by 15 December 2024. In the case of audio/video material, please upload the files making use of file-sharing services (e.g. WeTransfer or Dropbox) including a script or scenario. Material prepared in local languages should be accompanied by a short summary in English. Applications that do not include all requested documentation will not be considered. DEADLINE Applications shall be submitted by 31 July 2024 (23:59 CEST). SELECTION Applications will be examined by an international jury composed of distinguished journalists and media experts from the region, which may also include winners of previous editions of the Award. The awarding ceremony will take place during the South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) to be held in Podgorica, Montenegro, on 27 November 2024. The jury will take into account the relevance of the matters covered by the reports, which should have a focus on the target countries as well as the quality of reporting in terms of documentation, data, writing and production. The personal risks taken while performing the duties as well as the impact on society of the messages conveyed will also be evaluated. FOR INFORMATION // //
With its latest signing, Washington State is taking a swing on a prospect with some upside. Seven-footer Dimitrije Vukicevic, a native of Serbia who averaged 2.5 points in 10.6 minutes per game last season playing for Austria's St. Polten, has signed with the Cougars, the program announced Monday. Vukicevic, whose pledge gives WSU scholarship player No. 13, will be a true freshman when he arrives on campus. With his relative lack of experience — his most minutes last season came with a 25-minute outing, in which he scored a season-high 10 points — it's clear the Cougs are banking on Vukicevic's upside and his physical tools. With his numbers, it appears Vukicevic feels more comfortable around the interior, where he shot 69% on 2-pointers last season. He took just 16 triples, making five of them, for a clip of 31%. But perhaps the most jarring number: He made just 7 of 22 free throws, which is 32%. Does Vukicevic fit in new WSU coach David Riley's up-tempo, read-and-react offensive system? Riley clearly thinks so, but if Vukicevic's numbers are any indication, he might need some time to adjust to the American college game. It's possible Vukicevic takes a redshirt year this coming season. It's also worth noting that the league Vukicevic's St. Polten team played in, Austrian Basketball Superliga, is the most prestigious league in Austria. WSU lands pledge from former EWU standout Casey Jones ... with a caveat Turns out, Riley isn't done recruiting from his old Eastern Washington club. Former Eagle Casey Jones has committed to the Cougs, according to multiple reports, but he won't be suiting up until 2027-28 as he's planning to take a two-year church mission, then use the following season to redshirt and get back in shape. A Seattle-area native who played his high school ball at Wasatch Academy in Utah, Jones averaged 12.6 points per game on 51% shooting from the field last season, earning All-Big Sky second-team and all-conference defensive team honors. He scored in double figures on 24 occasions, becoming a key cog on Riley's team. Jones now becomes the fifth former Eagle to follow Riley to WSU, joining wings Cedric Coward and LeJuan Watts and centers Ethan Price and Dane Erikstrup. When he finally suits up for WSU, Jones will have one year of eligibility remaining.
Priprema za digitalni SAT General, ispit potreban za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u subotu, 6. jula 2024. godine. Ovaj termin priprema prilagođen je polaganju testa u avgustu 2024. godine, ali se može iskoristiti i za termine u drugoj polovini godine. Test se od početka 2023. godine isključivo obavlja u digitalnoj verziji u ovlašćenim centrima za polaganje. Više informacija o terminima, cenama, novom obliku testa i drugim detaljima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu ispita Na tom istom sajtu prijavljujete i plaćate polaganje na izabranoj lokaciji. Prijava za zvanični test odvojena je od priprema i mora se platiti na navedenom sajtu. Priprema se organizuje onlajn ili uživo u prostorijama Međunarodnog akademskog Centra u Beogradu. Termini su utorak i četvrtak, uz mogućnost organizovanja pojedinih časova subotom. Nastava uključuje i određene vrste simulacija koje će posebno biti najavljivane polaznicima. Kada se pripreme završe, kandidati i dalje mogu da vežbaju uz dostupni materijal sa nama bez ikakvog plaćanja i da se konsultuju sa predavačima oko delova testa koji im mogu biti problematični. Priprema košta 48,000 dinara i plaća se u dve rate. Prvi deo u iznosu od 30,000 dinara se plaća na početku, a drugi deo na polovini kursa. Sam test ne ulazi u cenu priprema i mora se prijaviti na sajtu i platiti kreditnom ili debitnom karticom kojom se može plaćati na Internetu. Broj mesta za testove je ograničen i savetujemo svim kandidatima da se za test prijave što je pre moguće. Za sva pitanja o registraciji za test kontaktirajte Centar tokom radnog vremena. Na časovima se obrađuju jezički i matematički deo testa. Osim rada na samim časovima, sa predavačima ćete moći da razmotrite šta bi od dodatne dostupne literature moglo da vam bude od koristi za vežbanje pre polaganja. Pre početka priprema potrebno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Test je dostupan onlajn i link će biti prosleđen svim kandidatima za pripremu nakon prijave na sajtu Centra. Prijava za pripremu obavlja se na našem sajtu popunjavanjem odgovarajućeg formulara na stranici . Ako imate problema sa formularom, molimo vas da nas nazovete tokom radnog vremena na 0113349639 ili 0653349639 ili pošaljete e-mail na .