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Posts posted by Beingness

  1. I sent them a mail again and they responded. They informed me that I can submit GRE score from the country I took it in and may apply to their PhD program after all. I didn't want to be a rude s.o.b. and suggest to them that perhaps it would be smart to change their official information so that misconceptions are avoided in the future.

    Anyway, thank You for making an effort, elz.  :D

  2. Aaah, sorry, I didn't know that. I don't have my score report yet, I took computer-based GRE 10 days ago and I know my results in these two sections coz they were revealed to me at the end. Maybe I should wait for the final thing to arrive, then it might be clear to me immediately.

    Although I understood what you said just now, about the percentile/percentage thing. thankis!  :D

  3. I am sorry, I always forget to mention that I am pursuing graduate studies. Are there any of those Universities mentioned that fall into the "financially friendly" category, regarding graduate studies?

    (I hope I'm succeeding in trying to keep this as a more general/less personal discussion on this subject, so that it would benefit others as well, since I'm posting it on forum instead of doing it via PM's :) )

    Thank you!

  4. Thanks for the prompt response!

    About contacting an international student in the program of interest - already ahead ?:wink:

    I am not sure if I understood the whole thing, so may I just give my personal example... I got 530 in Verbal and 660 in Quantitative section (combined = 1190). When a Department notes that a result at or above the 70th percentile is required, does that mean I qualify for applying?

    If I transcribe my scores directly into percentages, I get around 75% for the combined V+Q score result. But is the score trancribed into percentiles like that?

    Thank you!

  5. Howdie, folks!

    Since some schools require that international applicants submit a financial statement with their application material (is it a coincidence that all of them are in California?), I need to ask if they ever waive on that rule.

    Or is there a way to avoid that financial statement, in situation when you cannot prove that you would have tens of thousands of dollars on your bank account ('cos you won't  :-) )?

    If not, then how do Serbian students ever get into Berkeley, UCLA, USC... ?


  6. Hi Elizabeth,

    if I could ask something regarding this matter... At what time, application-wise, would be the perfect time to contact a professor in each school of interest, before or after sending the application material?

    I would just like to be sure that I uderstand the procedure. First I contact him regarding his research. I tell him that I am intending to apply to his program (do I try to convince him that I would choose him as my dissertation mentor eventually?).

    We exchange a few mails and at one point he informs me that he finds me suitable to be included in his work after matriculation and that he will propose me for funding... ?

    Have I fathomed the process correctly?

  7. Hello!

    About the GRE score interpretation... Some universities do not mention the minimum value of GRE points required for prospective applicants; they instead put percentiles. For example, the school I am interested in requires a GRE score above the 70th percentile.

    At first I thought that it meant 70% of 800 for every section of the test (which would be 560). But given that the values expressed in points range on a scale from 200 - 800, I got confused. How do we establish the relation of those two?


  8. Hi everyone,

    I sent an email to Albert Einstein School of Medicine informations office and they replied with one of those general information mails, which did not contain any of the information I inquired about.

    Instead, it stated something that kinda freaked me out. Quoting: ''Only paper GREs will be accepted from applicants in those countries in which the paper GRE is offered.''

    And since I registered for the Computer-based GRE in Zagreb this month, does that mean my score results won't be taken into consideration??!

    Is this a more common thing than I thought and should I start looking for some other school to apply to?

    Thank you for your time.

  9. Kao i mnoge druge stvari, pretpostavljam da i ovo varira od univerziteta do univerziteta. Međutim, postoji li barem okvirno pravilo?

    Trebalo bi da diplomiram do kraja februara, najkasnije početka marta (potrudiću se ;-) ). Da li je to kasno??? Mislim da je to vreme kada je većina departmana već napravila selekciju... Ili se varam...? Da li bi im transkript koji bih podneo sa do tada položenim ispitima bio dovoljan ili bespogovorno čekaju komplet diplomu?

    Osoba koju znam - a koja je doduše završila i osnovne studije u US, sada je na grad studijama - kaže da su što se nje tiče bili opušteni, u fazonu ''kad diplomiraš, diplomiraš, opušteno, donećeš nam, no problemo''.

    molim vas, pomozite, da znam da ne trošim novac i vreme, ako će to biti kasno.


  10. Imam problemčić. Prijavio sam se za polaganje juče i sve je prošlo fino. Međutim, sad ne mogu da skapiram kako da se ulogujem na sajt toefl.org kao registrovani korisnik...

    Uplatu sa kartice, kao i registrovanje na taj sajt nisam obavio od kuće, ako je to značajna informacija. Da li je to neki fazon sa cookies?


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