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  1. Hi there. Since in one of the applications for a graduate program I had to state which student visa I would be applying for if admitted, I wanted to ask (since I have very little knowledge on US visas) is the visa issued for graduate studies usually the F-1 visa? Thanx!
  2. I am sorry, I always forget to mention that I am pursuing graduate studies. Are there any of those Universities mentioned that fall into the "financially friendly" category, regarding graduate studies? (I hope I'm succeeding in trying to keep this as a more general/less personal discussion on this subject, so that it would benefit others as well, since I'm posting it on forum instead of doing it via PM's ) Thank you!
  3. Howdie, folks! Since some schools require that international applicants submit a financial statement with their application material (is it a coincidence that all of them are in California?), I need to ask if they ever waive on that rule. Or is there a way to avoid that financial statement, in situation when you cannot prove that you would have tens of thousands of dollars on your bank account ('cos you won't :-) )? If not, then how do Serbian students ever get into Berkeley, UCLA, USC... ? Thankis!
  4. Hi Elizabeth, if I could ask something regarding this matter... At what time, application-wise, would be the perfect time to contact a professor in each school of interest, before or after sending the application material? I would just like to be sure that I uderstand the procedure. First I contact him regarding his research. I tell him that I am intending to apply to his program (do I try to convince him that I would choose him as my dissertation mentor eventually?). We exchange a few mails and at one point he informs me that he finds me suitable to be included in his work after matriculation and that he will propose me for funding... ? Have I fathomed the process correctly?
  5. Kao i mnoge druge stvari, pretpostavljam da i ovo varira od univerziteta do univerziteta. Međutim, postoji li barem okvirno pravilo? Trebalo bi da diplomiram do kraja februara, najkasnije početka marta (potrudiću se ;-) ). Da li je to kasno??? Mislim da je to vreme kada je većina departmana već napravila selekciju... Ili se varam...? Da li bi im transkript koji bih podneo sa do tada položenim ispitima bio dovoljan ili bespogovorno čekaju komplet diplomu? Osoba koju znam - a koja je doduše završila i osnovne studije u US, sada je na grad studijama - kaže da su što se nje tiče bili opušteni, u fazonu ''kad diplomiraš, diplomiraš, opušteno, donećeš nam, no problemo''. molim vas, pomozite, da znam da ne trošim novac i vreme, ako će to biti kasno. Hvalaa!
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