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  1. Na na?em sajtu postavljena su dva nova obave?tenja. Obave?tenje o SEVIS taksi i načinu plaćanja nalazi se u na?em delu sajta "Resursi" i "Va?ni linkovi". http://www.iacbg.org/.res/File/sevis_e.pdf http://www.iacbg.org/.res/File/sevis_l.pdf http://www.iacbg.org/.res/File/sevis_c.pdf Obave?tenje o apliciranju za američke vize je izmenjeno - potrebno je da popunite samo jedan, novi dokument. Pročitajte vi?e u dokumentu koji se nalazi u na?em delu sajta "Resursi" i "Va?ni linkovi". http://www.iacbg.org/.res/File/visas_apply_e.pdf http://www.iacbg.org/.res/File/visas_apply_l.pdf http://www.iacbg.org/.res/File/visas_apply_c.pdf Dokumenta su napravljena na engleskom i srpskom jeziku, s time ?to je treći dokument na ćirilici.
  2. Posle novog pregleda sajta Ambasade, mozemo da potvrdimo da je sada potreban samo jedan dokument, DS-160. Zapamtite da uvek pogledate sta se navodi na zvanicnom sajtu, ne po netu.
  3. Neka od pravila su se promenila u odnosu na proslu godinu, ali to vam je verovatno receno kada ste zakazivali razgovor - operateri su duzni da vam kazu sta sve morate da donesete na dan razgovora. Mi cemo obnoviti nase stranice sa uputstvima, ali na vama je da sa operaterima ili na sajtu ambasade potvrdite najnovije informacije i da dobijete najnovija zvanicna uputstva.
  4. http://www.cipe.org/essay/index.php Young writers, aged 18 to 30, from across the world are invited to submit essays on how to create opportunities for youth to strengthen democracy and the private sector in their own countries. Deadline to apply: June 18. The competition is seeking essays in three categories: 1) Democracy that delivers, 2) enterpreneurship and society and 3) women and participation. Essays should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words. In each category, first, second, and third place authors will receive a US$1,000 honorarium, and will have their essays published by the competition organizer, the Center for International Private Enterprise. Essay Guidelines Length and language 2,000-3,000 words. All essays must be in English. Categories Please limit each essay to one category. Individuals may submit up to one essay for each category. The following are the topics, along with brief descriptions and suggested questions. Feel free to answer these and/or any of your own about each topic that you'd like to address. Democracy that delivers. Recent surveys show that people in all corners of the world generally prefer democracy to any other political system, yet they are frequently dissatisfied with how democracy works in their own country. One of the major reasons is the fact that people don't realize the promised benefits of democracies, which are often plagued by corruption, exclusion, cronyism, and other social and economic ills. Successful essays in this category will examine citizen expectations of democracies, and how democracies can go about meeting those expectations. Optional questions to consider: Are you satisfied with how democracy works in your country? What is a democratic government's responsibility to its people? Is it purely a question of rights or is there something more to it? What do people expect democracy to deliver in your country? How can democracy lead to higher living standards and what are the linkages between democratic and economic freedom on your country? Entrepreneurship and society. The concept of social entrepreneurship is gaining visibility around the world, as individuals continue to explore ways in which private enterprise can address social problems in their countries. This visibility is bringing to the forefront the question of social benefits attained from all entrepreneurs, not just those included in the social entrepreneurship category. Successful essays in this category will examine the role of entrepreneurship in creating prosperous societies and addressing key developmental challenges and how that role can be best realized. Optional questions to consider: What role should entrepreneurs play in society? Is their role purely profit-seeking or do they contribute in other ways? What prevents entrepreneurs from contributing more to society? What can be done to address such obstacles? Women and participation. Despite some recent progress, women remain excluded from political and economic participation around the world. Oftentimes, it is the combination of cultural and legal and regulatory barriers that prevents women from equal participation on both economic and political arenas. Successful essays in this category will examine barriers to women's participation in society and develop linkages between political, social, and economic empowerment. Optional questions to consider: What does empowerment mean for women? How can economic empowerment for women lead to their political empowerment? How can women better organize to voice their needs and help level the playing field for women in business? How can women's participation strengthen economic policy for them and for all people? Are there examples of associations or other local organizations of women in your country that are working to put women's business issues on the political agenda? Judging Criteria Essays will be evaluated by a panel of judges comprising CIPE staff and CIPE's international partners. Since English may not be a participant's first language, spelling and grammar mistakes will not affect judging as long as ideas and thoughts are clearly laid out. Judges will take into consideration the following criteria: Content and guidelines: How well does the essay address the topic? Does the author include real life examples of problems? Essay Structure: Is the essay organized in a logical manner? Clarity and logic of ideas: Is there a well-defined problem and relevant context? Are arguments clear? Do the arguments and examples support the author's main idea? Creativity and orginality: Does the essay contain new, innovative, well-developed ideas? Impact of solutions: How do the proposed solutions address the problem identified? Youth's role: Does the essay outline a specific challenge or role for youth as part of the solution? Please be sure to properly cite resources and ideas you find and use. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Winning essays For each category, first, second, and third place authors will receive a $1,000 honorarium, and CIPE will publish winning essays. Honorable mentions may also be published at the discretion of the judging panel.
  5. Međunarodni akademski centar tokom aprila i maja nudi novu specijalnu članarinu za buduće studente osnovnih studija u SAD. "Undergraduate Subject" je članarina kojom se dobijaju knjige za SAT Subject test i odgovarajuća asistencija koja vam može biti potrebna tokom procesa pripreme. Svaka knjiga košta 1,500 dinara, a uz nju dolazi mogućnost da se posavetujete oko strategije i dobijete odgovore na pitanja koja vas muče. Centar ne može da vam organizuje pripremu samog predmeta koji želite da polažete - podrazumeva se da bi već trebalo da imate solidno znanje iz određenog predmeta da bi ispit bio uspešan. Program traje do isteka zaliha knjiga, a jedan član ne može uzeti više primeraka iste knjige. U okviru programa nije dostupna knjiga za pripremu Math 1 i Math 2 Subject testa! Dostupne knjige: Literature, Biology E/M, US & World History, Physics, Spanish, French, Chemistry. Refundacija knjiga tokom ili nakon isteka programa nije moguća. Ceo program ove članarine, uključujući i asistenciju, završava se 31. maja 2010. godine. Učlanjenje u program je moguće u prostorijama Centra u Majke Jevrosime 18, drugi sprat. Više informacija možete dobiti pozivom na 011/334 5227 ili slanjem elektronske pošte na members@iacbg.org.
  6. Nova priprema za TOEFL iBT počinje od 28. aprila 2010. godine. Priprema traje osam sedmica i ko?ta 20.000 dinara. Predavanja su sredom i petkom, a pre početka neophodno je uraditi besplatni probni test engleskog jezika. Vi?e detalja nalazi se na lokaciji - http://www.iacbg.org/board/index.php?showtopic=1913.
  7. Priprema za TOEFL? iBT počinje 28. aprila 2010. godine i traje osam sedmica. U pripremu su uključene i dve simulacije testa. Svake sedmice organizuje se ukupno tri sata nastave, sredom i petkom po sat i po. Termini predavanja su od 10 ujutro i od 6 uvece - kandidati mogu da biraju između ta dva termina u zavisnosti od obaveza. Cena priprema je 20.000 dinara. Na početku se plaća prva polovina, dok se druga plaća u toku priprema, kada istekne prvi mesec predavanja. Prijava i polaganje zvaničnog testa odvojeni su od priprema u Centru. Sve detalje vezane za prijavu i polaganje mo?ete pronaći na sajtu www.toefl.org, a neki detalji su dostupni na na?em sajtu www.iacbg.org. Postavite nam pitanja ako ne pronađete odgovore na sajtovima. Prijavite se za pripremu pozivom na broj 011/334 5227 ili slanjem e-mail poruke na office@iacbg.org. Pre početka priprema neophodno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika.
  8. Na savetovanju se uvek navodi neophodnost rane i dobre pripreme za apliciranje - one koja mo?e da vam u?tedi novac i dovede vas na korak od solidne institucije za dalje obrazovanje. Priprema za apliciranje, koja uključuje izbor institucije, istra?ivanje mogućnosti finansijske pomoći, pripremu dokumenata i ispita - nije isto ?to i samo apliciranje. Od ranog apliciranja bez ostatka dokumentacije vi praktično nemate ni?ta. Dakle, potrebno je da pre apliciranja procenite da imate sve ?to je potrebno i onda mo?ete da se prijavite tri meseca ili tri dana ranije, svejedno je. "Last minute" koji je pomenut odnosi se na situaciju kada neki od dokumenata mo?da i ne stigne ili ako ne?to niste poslali u obimu ili obliku koji je od vas zahtevan - uvek mora da postoji malo vremena za ispravku. Preporučujemo da se aplicira barem mesec dana pre isteka roka, ali vi mo?ete da po?aljete dokumenta i ostalu papirologiju i vi?e meseci unapred. U nekim slučajevima se savetuje da na zvaničnim sajtovima katedri pogledate da li su određeni konkursi otvoreni, pa tek onda aplicirate.
  9. Dilema ove vrste mora da se re?i na izvoru. Pregledom zahteva na institucijama koje nude postdiplomske programe mo?ete videti sve ?to je potrebno za upis, ?to uključuje i neophodne ispite. Ako već imate neke institucije na umu, pogledajte na sajtovima ili ih kontaktirajte. Ako se jo? niste odlučili, pregledajte www.phds.org ili www.petersons.com, pretra?ite baze i nađite ?kole koje nude programe u va?oj oblasti. Va?e zaključivanje je bez gre?ke, ali opet postoji diskreciono pravo samih institucija da odrede koji će ispiti biti potrebni za upis. Nemojte napamet da se spremate, već proverite kompletnu sliku u va?oj oblasti. Ne zaboravite i da mo?ete da svratite na na?a besplatna savetovanja za postdiplomske studije da postavite pitanja i čujete kako izgleda proces daljeg obrazovanja.
  10. Ipak je malo drugačije na većini institucija - prvo se prijavite, pa tek onda aplicirate za finansijsku pomoć. Negde se to radi istovremeno, ali obično je potrebno da prvo podnesete generalnu prijavu, pa tek onda da tra?ite novac. Po?tovanje rokova zavisi od samih institucija. Obično su institucije stroge kada je to u pitanju, ali moguće je da mogu da vam izađu u susret produ?enjem. Dokumenta i potvrde mogu da budu zatra?ene od vas i to zavisi od vrste pomoći koju tra?ite. Nekada to mogu da budu potvrde o u?teđevini, primanjima ili slično. Na sajtovima univerziteta će ta dokumentacija uglavnom biti navedena, tako da ne bi trebalo da lutate. Javite nam samo gde ste tačno videli obrnuti redosled apliciranja (finansije pa prijava) da istra?imo o čemu se radi.
  11. http://www.cfccs.org...id=34&Itemid=34 Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies 20-27 June, 2010 Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK), Belgrade The Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies provides a learning opportunity for students interested in study and analysis of societies in and post-conflict. Interdisciplinary in its nature, drawing from the fields of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, History, sociology and International Relations, the Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies will provide students with an interactive learning experience utilizing frontal lectures and class discussions focusing on comparative conflict analysis of difference case studies. This year we are offering three courses:* Managing Violent Pasts: The Case of Northern Ireland Dr. Marie Breen-Smyth Dilemmas of National Minorities: The Case of the Palestinian Citizens of Israel Dr. Abigail Jacobson After the Violence: The Break Up of Yugoslavia and its Consequences Dr. Aleksandra (Sasha) Milicevic *Language of instruction in all courses is English. We invite undergraduate and graduate students and NGO leaders and activists to apply. INFORMATION - Draft Program - Sunday June 20 Arrival Day Monday June 21 Day 1 Welcome opening session 9:30-10:00 Morning 10:00-12:30 Afternoon 13:30-15:30 Tuesday June 22 Day 2 Morning 10:00-12:30 Afternoon 13:30-15:30 Wednesday June 23 Day 3 Morning 10:00-12:30 Afternoon 13:30-15:30 Thursday June 24 Day 4 Morning 10:00-12:30 Afternoon 13:30-15:30 Friday June 25 Day 5 Morning 10:00-12:30 Afternoon Joint Panel for all participants of the Summer School with Course Lecturers 13:30-15:30 Saturday June 26 Day 6 Morning final session and closure 10:00-12:30 Afternoon evaluation 13:30-15:30 Farewell evening activity Sunday June 27 Departure day Dates? Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies 20-27 June, 2010 ? Final Application deadline April 19, 2010 Location All courses will take place at the Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK), Singidunum University. Karadjordjeva 65, Belgrade, Serbia. Tuition Full Tuition: 400 euro We invite undergraduate, graduate students, NGO leaders and activists from all countries to apply. With the support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, scholarships are available for participants from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia. Additional scholarships are available for a number of students from other conflict or post-conflict regions. All participants will be required to pay the initial tuition fee of 200 euro. Scholarships may include tuition (up to 200 euro), accommodation and travel costs. Accommodation Accommodation at a hostel near the faculty may be arranged for 7 nights from Sunday June 20 to Sunday morning June 27 at the price of 140 euro. Last date to submit applications is Monday April 19, 2010. Applications will be notified no later than early May. Each class will have no more than 16 students. Once accepted, applicants will have to complete their payment of 200 euro no later than May 10. Click here for registration and on line application form. For more information contact us at: summerschool@cfccs.org
  12. http://moritzlaw.osu...s/llm/index.php The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program is designed for foreign lawyers who wish to advance their legal education in a stimulating academic environment. The College offers the dual advantages of a highly-regarded law curriculum at a major U.S. university and an LL.M. program of limited size that allows for individualized attention and support. Two of the program's primary goals are to immerse foreign lawyers in a year of U.S. legal education and to foster interaction between American J.D. students and the LL.M. students. In large part this is accomplished by integrating the LL.M students into the J.D. curriculum, ensuring that both groups will benefit from the interaction and graduate from their respective programs well prepared to participate in an increasingly globalized world. Moritz also offers a rich selection of student activities outside the classroom where LL.M. students may participate in the life of the College. Ohio State's LL.M. program offers students an opportunity to select their courses from a rich and diverse curriculum. Students may choose a generalized study of U.S. law or may tailor their courses to fit specialized interests and career objectives. Students have an option to elect a concentration in Business Law, Criminal Law and Procedure, Intellectual Property and Information Law, International and Comparative Law, Labor and Employment Law, or Alternative Dispute Resolution, or they may design a customized concentration. What We Are Looking For The Moritz College of Law seeks LL.M. students who are motivated to obtain a rigorous, high quality U.S. legal education. But we are looking for more than simply academic excellence. The LL.M. Admissions Committee is seeking individuals from a wide range of countries, with diverse legal backgrounds; we encourage the new law graduate to apply right along with the experienced law professor or practitioner. We strongly believe that diversity and differences in personality are critical to the dynamic and stimulating exchanges that are characteristic of the Moritz community. The LL.M. class is purposely limited to 25 students. This is a large enough class to create a diverse group from a variety of countries yet small enough to allow our staff to provide individual attention to our LL.M. students. Since we are carefully looking for the right mix of individuals to accomplish the above goals, it is important that you present your strengths; profile your practical experiences, accomplishments and academic excellence; and give us insight into your goals for the future. We will carefully examine all the elements of your application package in an attempt to get to know you better. LL.M. Application Process We recommend that you start your application to the Moritz LL.M. program early. Part of the application process necessitates that you work with third parties, whether they be your recommenders, or institutions that will need to provide documents or scores to complete your application. Moreover, it may often take up to three months to obtain a U.S. student visa, if needed, once you have been officially accepted to the program. While our application is to be completed online, other materials must be submitted by mail, some to more than one office. Please read instructions for each section carefully. Application Fee Application Deadline Academic Record Test Scores (TOEFL or IELTS) Three Letters of Recommendation Resume Personal Statement Decision What Happens Next You must submit all of the above application materials before you will be considered for admission to the Moritz LL.M. Program. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Moritz LL.M. Office at (614) 688-5328 or moritzllm@osu.edu. Application Fee There is a $50 application fee for international students and a fee of $40 for U.S. permanent residents; both are nonrefundable. You must pay this application fee by credit or debit card in U.S. dollars at the time of online application submission. Application The Moritz LL.M. Program uses an online application process. You may pay the required application fee using a credit or debit card, and submit your application, resume and personal statement via the electronic application process. If you cannot use the electronic application process, a paper application is available on request from the Moritz LL.M. Office. Please use your correct legal name at the time you apply to the university. If your name or address changes prior to enrollment in the university, please contact the Moritz LL.M. Office at (614) 688-5328 or moritzllm@osu.edu after the change occurs. Deadline Applications will be considered as they are received so prospective students will increase their chances of admission by applying early. The final deadline for applications is April 15, and prospective students who apply after this date will be considered only if the class has not been filled or if vacancies occur. Academic Record At the time of application, official transcripts (and English translations) from all previously attended academic institutions should be sent directly from the awarding institution to both: Professional Admissions Office The Ohio State University P.O. Box 182003 Columbus, OH 43218-2003 -and- Moritz College of Law LL.M. Office 55 W. 12th Ave. Columbus, OH 43210-1391 Upon completion of any subsequent courses, you must send an updated official transcript to both the Professional Admissions Office and the Moritz LL.M. Office. Applicants who have attended Ohio State are not required to furnish OSU transcripts, but they must provide transcripts for any courses taken elsewhere. PLEASE NOTE THAT MORE TIME IS USUALLY REQUIRED TO RECEIVE FOREIGN TRANSCRIPTS. Test Scores: TOEFL or IELTS Because the Moritz LL.M. program requires large amounts of analytical reading and writing, as well as being able to participate in very interactive classes, we require that you have sufficient knowledge of the English language to succeed in your program of study. Candidates whose native language is not English are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) in lieu of TOEFL. Applicants who are citizens of or who have received a bachelor's degree or higher in one of the following countries are exempt from the TOEFL requirement: Australia, Belize, the British Caribbean and British West Indies, Canada (except Quebec), Guyana, Ireland, Liberia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States. Minimum Acceptable Scores TOEFL: 600 paper based; 250 computer based; 100 ibT IELTS: 7.5 You must have taken the test within the past two years. Please arrange to have your TOEFL scores sent directly from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to The Ohio State University. The ETS institution code for sending scores to Ohio State is 1592. Information and registration materials for the tests can be obtained by contacting TOEFL or IELTS. Letters of Recommendation The LL.M. Admissions Committee is especially interested in two aspects of your letters of recommendation: whom you chose to recommend you and what those people tell us about you. We hope to discover concrete examples and descriptions that will enable us to further understand your personality, as well as your potential to succeed after obtaining your LL.M. degree. You are required to submit three letters of recommendation in support of your application for admission. At least one person recommending you needs to be a professor familiar with your legal coursework. Visit the link to the online application system to download the Recommendation Form, which must be completed by the recommender along with a separate recommendation letter printed on official academic or business letterhead stationery. Letters must be sent by the recommender, or by the applicant in their original, sealed envelopes, to Moritz LL.M. Program, 55 West 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1391, U.S.A. Please keep in mind it is your responsibility to ensure that your recommenders have submitted their recommendations by April 15. References will not be accepted if the envelopes have been opened, are unsigned, are not on letterhead, or do not include a contact number for verification. Resume All applicants must submit a resume that contains the following: all post-secondary educational information; all relevant past and present work experience; volunteer, service and/or extracurricular activities with which you have been involved in the past three years; and a list of any honors and/or awards you have received. You may submit it as an attachment to the online application, or mail it to the Moritz LL.M. Program, 55 West 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1391, U.S.A. Remember... this is an opportunity to give us additional insight into what you will contribute to both the LL.M. class and the Moritz community. Personal Statement Your personal statement is especially valuable to the LL.M. Admissions Committee. You may submit it as an attachment to the online application, or mail it to the Moritz LL.M. Program, 55 West 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1391, U.S.A. Your personal statement should provide a thoughtful reflection on your reasons for seeking an LL.M. in the United States and on your longer-term career and personal goals. Please address the following questions in your personal statement: What have been your most significant achievements in your legal education and/or professional legal career? What are your reasons for seeking to earn an LL.M. degree in the United States, and how will an LL.M. degree further your professional and/or personal goals? Is there anything else, not already presented in your application, that you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you in reviewing your application for admission to the Moritz LL.M. Program? Decision Once you have submitted all of the documents required for admission, the LL.M. Admissions Committee will make a decision within four to six weeks. What Happens After You Submit Your Complete Application Sections A and B apply only to international applicants. Domestic students should reference sections C and D only. A. Provisional Admission Once an applicant has properly submitted all of the documents required for admission, a provisional admittance decision will be made. If it is favorable, a letter of provisional admittance will be issued via email to the prospective student. Attached to this document will be a Proof of Availability of Funds form. This form must be completed and submitted with appropriate documentation to The Ohio State University Professional Admissions Office. Provisional admission decisions (pending submission of proof of availability of funds) typically are rendered by the LL.M. Admissions Committee within four to six weeks after the application file is complete with all supporting documentation. You may contact the LL.M. Office by phone or email as listed above. The office is staffed Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, EST. B. Official Notice of Admission Once a student's financial status has been ascertained, the Professional Admissions Office sends an Official Notice of Admission, along with an I-20 or DS-2019 if applicable, to the student. The Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services requires that international students requesting an I-20 for an F-1 visa or a DS-2019 for a J-1 visa provide an address outside the United States. The student will use the I-20 or DS-2019 to obtain a visa. C. Acceptance Statement and Fees Accompanying the Official Notice of Admission is an Acceptance Statement notifying the newly admitted student that he or she must pay a nonrefundable $25 acceptance fee and a nonrefundable $200 tuition deposit. The tuition deposit will be credited to the LL.M. student's tuition charges for the fall semester. D. Final Transcript New law school graduates must submit a final transcript to the Professional Admissions Office at the address noted above.
  13. The International Programs and Services Office at Michigan Technological University is pleased to announce that we are still accepting applications and awarding scholarships for the Fall 2010 semester. Eligible undergraduate students may receive up to $6,000 in tuition assistance for each academic year, up to 4 years. Applying is free and the form and application checklist can be found online at http://www.mtu.edu/international/admissions/apply/. Students may submit an electronic application online or by email. Michigan Technological University is ranked as a first tier university by US News and World Report (#121) and included in the Princeton Review?s ?The Best 371 College.? We enroll about 900 international students and scholars from over 60 different countries. We are located in Michigan?s Upper Peninsula and have an enrollment of less than 7,000 students. We offer ESL, Bachelor?s, Master?s, and Ph.D. programs and enjoy a worldwide reputation for offering excellent programs in engineering, technological studies, and the natural sciences. The fall semester begins August 30, 2010, and students are expected to arrive on campus by August 21 to attend a week-long orientation. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis but we encourage all students to allow sufficient time for travel and visa appointments. For more information: http://www.mtu.edu/international/ Ms. Thy Yang Director of International Programs and Services Michigan Technological University Email: thyy@mtu.edu
  14. http://www.i-park.or...rdenDesign.html I-Park is pleased to announce the Landscape/Garden Design residency program for 2010. Professional and academic landscape architects, landscape and garden designers, site planners and graduate level students preparing to enter these fields ? along with artists working in the land and/or with plant materials ? are invited to apply for the residency. Participants will share the I-Park facility with writers, composers and visual, including new media and environmental, artists. The standard residency session is 4-weeks, but a limited number of 2- and 8-week sessions are also available (see the 2010 Calendar for specific session dates). There is an application fee of $25.00. For a general overview of the residency program, click here. For particulars, refer to the FAQ. While the I-Park residency program has always welcomed practitioners from the fields of landscape and garden design, this year, customized application guidelines and a separate selection panel were established to give the area the special attention it warrants. Because the residency model in these fields is not well established in the U.S., as it is for the fine arts, we will suggest some types of projects and subjects for which this opportunity could be well suited: ? 'unsolicited' proposals for public or other spaces (as with unsolicited architecture) ? ecologically inspired landscape/garden design ? design exploration through model-making, drawing and in-situ installations ? materials and methods studies, including landscape products design ? explorations into the role of aesthetics in landscape sustainability ? conceptual studies, including 'blue sky' projects for no site in particularYou are free to utilize the residency period to work on a professional commission. Or, you may be interested in pursuing/proposing a site-responsive project for I-Park itself. The intention is to take the broadest possible approach to the field of landscape/garden design, particularly as it relates to the aesthetic engagement of the altered environment. Note that, especially for those who have never participated in a program of this kind, while the application process calls for a thoughtful project proposal, you should be open to the unexpected re-directions that can result from your personal response to the land, the interaction with your fellow residents and the transformative dynamics of the unrestricted, though supportive, format of the I-Park residency program. Within common sense guidelines, participants will be permitted to utilize the rich, expansive I-Park tract as a laboratory for site investigations. In addition to a private studio, you will have access to tools and workshop space. A materials and equipment budget and physical assistance may be available for certain types of projects. The participation in a residency session also opens the window on related I-Park initiatives, in particular, the upcoming Thanatopolis Symposium & Exhibition, which has an important landscape/garden component; the Gardens at I-Park and International Garden Design Competition projects (both in development) and 2011's Environmental Art Biennale, an inter-disciplinary project that brings site-specific art into the landscape.
  15. KODAK is offering scholarships to undergraduate and graduate film students who have shown extraordinary skill and talent. Students must be nominated by their respective universities or a program official. Only two nominations allowed per institution. Application deadline: June 14. Five scholarships are being awarded: Gold: US$1,000 cash and $5,000 KODAK Motion Picture Product Grant Silver: $4,000 KODAK Motion Picture Product Grant Bronze: $3,000 KODAK Motion Picture Product Grant Honorable Mentions: Two $2,000 KODAK Motion Picture Product Grants Winners will be published on Kodak's website. For application form, click here - http://motion.kodak....bx=scholarships
  16. http://www.thelanter...ility-1.1220804 GRE to change in autumn 2011, feature new content, flexibility By Danielle Hartman hartman.271@osu.edu |Published: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Updated: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 The 60-year-old Graduate Record Examination is about to get a face-lift. The GRE, which is taken by students seeking admission to graduate school, will change in fall 2011. Educational Testing Service, the nonprofit institution that produces the test, said the revisions will make the test more aligned to the skills needed in graduate school. The GRE will receive adjustments in both content and design. The best change to the test, however, is the ability to flip through a section to revise answers, said Andrew Mitchell, the director of graduate programs at Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions. The current GRE does not allow test takers this freedom. Other big changes include the elimination of antonyms and analogies on the verbal section, the addition of an online calculator on the quantitative section and a different scoring scale. Writing is the only section that will remain the same. These changes might lead some to believe that the test will be easier, but Mitchell said this is not the case. He said the addition of an online calculator will allow straightforward math problems to be replaced with more complex ones. "It's hard to imagine that the kind of math and level of difficulty currently on the exam will stay the same if students will be able to use an online calculator to help them," Mitchell said. "Many GRE test takers are stronger in the verbal section, so potentially having more challenging math questions may not be welcome news." Changes to the GRE's scoring system will make the 200 to 800 point scale a 130 to 170 point scale. "[The new scoring system] will be more useful in the long run because [the numbers] are more compressed," said Elliot Slotnick, the associate dean of the graduate school at Ohio State. "It will give us a better understanding of what the scores mean." Mitchell referred to the GRE's revision as "a trade off." Although modifications will make the GRE more up-to-date, the new version will come with a couple of drawbacks. Harder math problems are an example, but the test will also take longer to complete, he said "Many speculate revisions are being made to the GRE so it can better compete with the Graduate Management Admission Test. The GMAT, which is produced by Pearson, is required for many graduate programs, including OSU. Increasingly more MBA programs accept the GRE, but according to a 2009 Kaplan survey of business school admission officers, almost all GMAT-only MBA programs have no plan to accept the GRE in the future. "The reality is that ETS is also a business and in recent years has been working hard ? with some success ? to position itself as a competitor to the GMAT," Mitchell said. "I think the logical conclusion is that they are competing for that one spot," Slotnick said. MItchell said it will be interesting to see if the revisions to the GRE "will increase the number of MBA programs that accept it." Laura Smith, a fourth-year in film studies at OSU, took the GRE earlier this year. "While it might have been great to use a calculator or not have an analogy or antonym section, I still had to take the test now," Smith said. "However, I hope it helps students in the future. The revisions might make the test easier." Smith also said that the ability to change answers could be negative or positive. She said that freedom is an advantage, but students might dwell on the idea that they should change a previous answer." This would mean spending too much time revising, she said. Slotnick said the GRE score weighs differently on an applicant's admissions depending on their grade point average in undergraduate school. To prepare for the upcoming GRE revisions, Slotnick said he and his staff are attending workshops. "They are doing a good job of keeping us informed," he said." Students taking the new GRE in 2011 can receive more information on the changes and sign-up for test updates at ETS.org.
  17. Međunarodni akademski centar zbog Vaskrsa menja radno vreme u narednih nekoliko dana. Centar neće raditi sa korisnicima u petak, 2. aprila, subotu 3. aprila i u ponedeljak, 5. aprila. Izuzetak je samo priprema za SAT koja će u popodnevnom terminu u petak biti odr?ana. Kandidati za pripreme koji bi hteli da tokom praznika ve?baju praktične testove, mogu nam poslati e-mail na adresu office@iacbg.org da saznaju da li će neko od kolega biti tokom vikenda u kancelariji. Simulacije testova na kompjuteru tokom praznika neće biti odr?ane. Prvi redovni radni dan biće utorak, 6. april. U međuvremenu nam ostavite poruku na office@iacbg.org ili na broj 011-3345 227. ========== International Academic Center will not be open for public over Easter holidays. Our first working day will be Tuesday, April 6. SAT Prep class scheduled for Friday afternoon will be organized as it was scheduled earlier. Candidates for tests who would like to use their time to practice can contact us by e-mail office@iacbg.org to see if anyone will be dropping by the office. Computer simulations will not be organized. Leave us a message on office@iacbg.org or by phone at +381 11 334 5227.
  18. RASMUSSEN COLLEGE (MN) CELEBRATES ITS 110TH ANNIVERSARY WITH SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 110 NEW STUDENTS What is the 110th Anniversary Scholarship? As part of Rasmussen College's 110th anniversary, we are offering 110 scholarships to new students. The scholarship value varies depending on the degree level selected by the potential student. A Bachelor's degree seeking student is eligible for up to $10,000 and an Associate's degree seeking student is eligible for up to $5,000. How do I apply for the 110th Anniversary Scholarship? Visit www.Rasmussen.edu/110years, and fill out the online application. The potential student will also need to apply for Rasmussen College and apply for financial aid. Complete rules can be found on that webpage. When are entries due? There will be four application periods during the year as detailed below. March 31, 2010 June 30, 2010 September 30, 2010 December 31, 2010 The Campus and student may determine the start date that best applies for each individual (e.g. the next immediate start, a mid-quarter start, a Fall start, etc). Who is eligible to win? The scholarship is available to any new potential student. Employees of Rasmussen, Inc. and their families are not eligible. Is there a time period in which the winner must start classes? Yes, he or she must start classes April 5, 2010, July 6, 2010, October 4, 2010 or January 3, 2011 at a Rasmussen College campus (including online). What are the requirements for the winner of the scholarship? A list of full terms and conditions is available at www.rasmussen.edu/110years. What happens after a student submits their scholarship entry? The winner will be notified no more than four weeks after the application deadline. If a student has already started, the Campus/Financial Aid Staff will determine whether to apply the first quarter portion of the scholarship immediately in the current quarter or whether to commence payment the following quarter. In either case, the full amount of the scholarship will be granted prior to the student's graduation.
  19. Young writers from Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine are invited to apply for a fellowship for writers. Applicants should be no older than 35. Deadline: June 1. The CEI (Central European Initiative) Fellowship is an award aimed at encouraging cross-border cooperation and promotion in the field of literature for young writers from Central European countries that are not yet a part of the European Union. It is awarded by the CEI in cooperation with the Slovene Writers' Association. The fellowship is endowed with a cash award of EU?5,000 (about US $6,750) for a three-month stay in any of the Central European Initiative Member States, selected by the candidate. To get more information, visit http://www.vilenica....owship-2010.pdf
  20. Katedre za postdiplomske studije na univerzitetima u SAD u velikoj većini slučajeva tra?e od potencijalnih kandidata da odgovore na ponude za studije do 15. aprila. Kandidati za studije kojima odgovara katedra i način finansiranja ne bi trebalo da imaju problem da odgovore u tom roku. Međunarodni akademski centar organizuje specijalno besplatno savetovanje za kandidate za postdiplomske studije u SAD koji jo? uvek nisu sigurni da će moći da odgovore pozitivno zbog finansijskih i drugih problema. Ukoliko va?a odluka o daljem obrazovanju na postdiplomskom nivou i dalje nije doneta, dođite na ovo specijalno savetovanje. Savetovanje će biti odr?ano 7. aprila između 18:00 i 20:30. Savetovanje se istovremeno odr?ava u prostorijama u Majke Jevrosime 18, drugi sprat i online, putem webinara. Kandidati za postdiplomske koji ne mogu da dođu u Beograd mogu se priključiti online savetovanju u istom vremenskom periodu. Svi zainteresovani se mogu prijaviti slanjem poruke na e-mail gradoffers@iacbg.org. Kada ?aljete poruku, obavezno po?aljite skeniranu kopiju ponude sa univerziteta ili u telo poruke uključite kopiran tekst sa e-mail poruke koju ste dobili od katedre. Prijave za ovo specijalno savetovanje primaju se do 5. aprila.
  21. The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics at Rice University and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Houston invite applications for a joint postdoctoral research associate position. The initial term of appointment is one year with a possible 2nd/3rd year extension. The term of appointment will begin on or after August 1, 2010. University of Houston will be the primary host during the first year. The salary will be competitive. Research fields The focus of the research is on compressed sensing, machine learning, optimization, as well as their applications especially in signal processing and wireless communications. For more information on related research, see: wireless.egr.uh.edu www.caam.rice.edu/~optimization/L1/ dsp.rice.edu/cs Qualification Candidates should have finished a PhD in applied/computational mathematics, electrical engineering, statistics, operations research, or a related field by August 2010 or the time of appointment and no earlier than December 2006. City of Houston Rice University and University of Houston are located 4 miles apart in Houston. For more information on Houston, which was recently ranked #1 city in the US to live, work, and play, see: www.kiplinger.com/features/archives/2008/05/2008-best-city-houston.html Contact Applicants should send a letter of application, current vita, and descriptions of research plans to both wyin AT rice.edu and zhan2 AT mail.uh.edu. At least three letters of reference will be required. Rice University and the University of Houston are Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity institutions. http://www.caam.rice.edu/~wy1/opening/
  22. One or possibly two positions as a postdoctoral researcher in the Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University will be open from late summer/fall 2010. The postdoctoral researcher will be involved in ongoing efforts to develop certified reduced basis methods as a way to reduce the computational complexity of many-query applications like real-time control, optimization, uncertainty quantification etc for wave dominated problems. The research involves a combination of applied analysis for differential and/or integral equations, the development of a posteriori theory, and the implementation of the methods on 2D/3D nontrivial applications. The position(s) are initially available for one year with the possibility of extension to two or possibly three years, pending availability of external funding. There are no teaching requirements for the position but teaching can be arranged if desired. The candidate is expected to have or receive shortly a PhD in applied and computational mathematics with a strong background in applied analysis for the numerical solution of partial differential equations and/or integral equations. The ideal applicant will have knowledge and experience with a posteriori error analysis and a strong background in the implementation of advanced algorithms and demonstrated programming skills in C/C++. A background in electromagnetics, wave problems, and parallel computing is desired but required. Interested applicants can get further information about the position by contacting Professor Jan S. Hesthaven (Jan.Hesthaven@Brown.edu). Electronic applications (please use postscript, PDF, or Word formats) including curriculum vitae, list of publications, a statement of research interest, and names of 3 references with e-mail, should be sent to the email given above before April 2, 2010 to receive full consideration. However, the search will be ongoing until the position is filled. Brown University is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women and minorities to apply.
  23. ?anse postoje, ali samo ako ste se upisali na neki od univerziteta koji podrazumeva va?e dalje obrazovanje. Upisom na univerzitet ili drugu instituciju dobijate odgovarajuća dokumenta sa kojima menjate status. Obično se kandidatima za studije savetuje da za dalje studiranje apliciraju iz matične zemlje, s obzirom da se situacija u SAD zbog papira koji mogu nedostajati i rokova za prijavu ili isticanje trenutnog statusa mo?e zakomplikovati. Ukoliko se previ?e zapetlja, morate računati na mogućnost da će sve buduće vize koje budete poku?avali da dobijete biti odbijene. ?to se papirologije tiče, morate da vidite na univerzitetima za koje ste zainteresovani ?ta sve tra?e. Obično su u pitanju dokazi o prethodnom ?kolovanju i dokazi o mogućnosti finansiranja dela studija ili kompletnih tro?kova.
  24. Kandidati za polaganje SAT u majskom roku bi trebalo da se prijave za ispit do 31. marta. Prijava i plaćanje obavljaju se na sajtu www.collegeboard.com - otvorite nalog ako do sada to niste uradili. Poslednji ispit u ovoj ?kolskoj godini je u junu, a rok za njegovu prijavu ističe početkom maja.
  25. The Value of an LL.M. in a Globalized World How does learning another legal culture differ from learning "blackletter law"?By Jane E. Schukoske, Mar 7, 2010 Globalization is changing the way lawyers learn. Traditionally, law was taught as a national subject, supplemented by comparative and international law. Lawyers seeking to specialize or enter academia pursued a Masters of Law (LL.M.). But as the legal profession evolves to handle global trade, transnational families, human rights, and social, economic, and environmental policy issues, many more lawyers are seizing the opportunity to pursue an LL.M. abroad. What are they learning besides substantive law? 1) Cross-cultural skills and perspectives Pursuing an LL.M. abroad is, in itself, a defining move. As with other educational exchange, it develops adaptability, cross-cultural communications skills, awareness of other cultures, and perspective on one's home culture. It may enhance foreign language skills. Moreover, lawyers studying with multi-national classmates build networks of professional contacts around the world. For a lawyer preparing to work on transnational issues, the experience of establishing a professional identity abroad builds self-confidence. Earning an LL.M. abroad requires not only the ability to succeed in academic courses, but also an open outlook, multi-tasking ability, and travel savvy that will prove useful in transnational legal work. Georgetown visiting law professor Carole Silver recently analyzed surveys of and interviews with graduates of US LL.M. programs, and observed that "the LL.M. serves as a form of common language for lawyers from different jurisdictions, a meeting place, of sorts." The LL.M. graduates surveyed believe that by taking a break in a legal career for LL.M. study, a lawyer changes the dynamic of his/her career. This seems to be true wherever they end up. Lawyers who return home after an LL.M. will do so with a deeper understanding a foreign legal education system. If they plan to stay and work, graduate study is one way to adapt to their new legal environment. 2) Legal systems The legal systems in the world ? Civil Law, Common Law, Muslim Law, Customary Law, and mixed legal systems, among others ? share common features and yet differ significantly. Within a given country, the legal culture is further defined by the type of government, the organization of the legal profession, and the roles that judges, lawyers, and other players in the legal community occupy. In an LL.M. program drawing students from multiple countries, there will often be lawyers trained in a variety of legal systems. In classroom discussions, students and the professor experience the interface of legal cultures and identify areas for potential misunderstanding. For example, a lawyer from a civil law system expects to grapple with the role of case precedent when she comes to study in a common law country. But hand-in-hand with learning about case law comes the need to learn about how judges are selected, the roles of the judge and lawyers during trials, rules of evidence and procedure, professional ethics, and styles of writing and negotiation. How are legal judgments enforced? These are all aspects of the legal system. 3) Features of legal practice Lawyers studying abroad may encounter new contexts of law practice. This exposure may come through study, orientation visits, or internships. Large law firms and extensive use of technology in law practice are novelties to some LL.M. students. How private lawyers organize their practices as litigators, transactional lawyers, or in-house counsel has a cultural dimension. Likewise, LL.M. study abroad exposes lawyers to host-country professional regulation. In the United States, for example, lawyers are licensed by the individual states, and there are court rules that address requirements for appearances pro hac vice and bar admission rules for foreign lawyers and legal consultants. Special issues also arise in professional ethics when legal work has transnational dimensions. For example, lawyers may have differing interpretations of confidentiality in the digital age. 4) Legal education systems LL.M. students typically have a rather short (nine-month) program, and often need to adapt quickly to differences in the legal education environment. What are the expectations of the professors for classroom performance? What are the norms, sources, and methods of legal analysis, research, and writing? What are the relative weights of the mid-term and final examination in grading? Even something as simple as how important information is conveyed to students during the term can be very different for country to country. (It's key to know whether to be looking for a notice posted in a hallway or on a course website!) With global trends affecting clients and the legal profession, lawyers are likely to participate in educational and professional exchanges in increasing numbers. LL.M. study abroad is a good foundation for personal development, as well as for understanding these trends. Jane E. Schukoske directs the Master of Laws program of the Law of the United States at the University of Baltimore School of Law and is the former Executive Director of the Fulbright Commission in India. http://llm-guide.com...lobalized-world
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