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Nova grupna priprema za GRE, ispit potreban za upis master i doktorskih studija u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 1. septembra 2020. godine i traje osam nedelja. Priprema u ovoj grupi se obavlja kompletno online, utorkom i četvrtkom od 18:30 do 20:30. Rasporedom se može odrediti i nekoliko radnih subota, što će biti dostupno na kalendaru rada koji je dostupan kandidatima za pripremu neposredno pre početka kursa. Pripreme obuhvataju i jezički i matematički deo, kao i pisanje eseja, sastavnog dela testa. Kandidati dobijaju kombinovani materijal u sklopu programa instrukcija i vežbanja. U cenu pripreme uključene su i dve kompjuterske simulacije testa koje se mogu uraditi na računarima u Centru ili kod kuće. Priprema košta 48,000 dinara i može se platiti u dve rate. Prvi deo se plaća u iznosu od 30,000 dinara na početku priprema, dok se ostatak plaća na početku drugog meseca predavanja. Sam test nije uključen u cenu i kandidati ga moraju samostalno registrovati i platiti na sajtu . Test se može polagati u Beogradu po kalendaru koji je dostupan na zvaničnom sajtu tokom procesa registracije. Pre početka priprema poželjno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Ovaj test traje oko devedeset minuta i može se zakazati tokom radnog vremena Centra, obaviti u Centru ili online. Probni test nije potreban za one koji su obrazovanje završili na engleskom govornom području, ili su u međuvremenu polagali neki od testova engleskog jezika. Prijava za pripremu se može obaviti na našoj stranici na Internetu - , ili pozivom na 011/334 9639, 011/334 9638 ili 065/3349639 tokom radnog vremena. Za sve detalje možete nas nazvati tokom radnog vremena ili nam poslati e-mail na Istovremeno sa pripremom, Centar nudi i savetodavne usluge za dalje školovanje u Sjedinjenim Državama i na drugim lokacijama u svetu. Kao deo mreže obrazovnih informacionih centara EducationUSA, odobrenih i podržanih od strane Biroa za obrazovne i kulturne poslove Stejt departmenta, Međunarodni akademski centar nudi široki spektar informacija za potencijalne studente osnovnih, master i doktorskih studija u Americi. Polaznicima priprema na raspolaganju su besplatni termini za savetovanja o studiranju u Americi, o čemu ćemo vas obavestiti kada krene sezona organizovanih savetodavnih seminara. Ovi termini su višestruko korisni, jer kao budući studenti imate priliku da sa savetnicima za postdiplomske studije detaljno razmotrite svoje dalje mogućnosti školovanja i finansiranja studija.
The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the Fulbright Graduate Study Program competition for the 2021-2022 academic year. The Fulbright Graduate Study Program enables young professionals from Serbia to study for one year or longer at U.S. universities to pursue a Master’s level of study in the following fields: Agriculture, American History, American Literature, American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Geology, Information Sciences, Journalism / Media Studies, Law, Library Science Linguistics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, TEFL/Applied Linguistics. Participants are selected through an open, merit-based competition. This prestigious award covers tuition and fees at a U.S. university, a monthly living stipend, health insurance, and international airfare. Eligibility requirements Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of Serbia. Permanent U.S. residents and persons with dual (Serbian and U.S.) citizenship are ineligible. Applicants must be proficient in oral and written English (Selected candidates will take TOEFL and GRE tests during the selection process). Applicants must be eligible for a J-1 visa, which requires the grantee to return to the Republic of Serbia for a minimum of two years at the end of the grant period. Applicants must have completed undergraduate education at the time of application. Applicants already studying in the U.S. are ineligible for a Fulbright grant. Applicants must receive a satisfactory medical clearance. Persons desiring permanent residence in the United States are not eligible. General Selection Criteria Strong academic record Adaptability and personal suitability Applicants should be representative and responsible citizens who contribute to a full and fair picture of the culture and civilization of Serbia. Preference is given to applicants who have not had a prior opportunity for studying in the United States. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, and sex. Selection Procedures: Applications are subject to pre-screening. Applicants recommended by reviewers are invited for an interview conducted in person in English by a selection committee comprised of Embassy representatives, U.S. and Serbian scholars, and Fulbright alumni. Nominees are subject to final approval by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. How to apply Completed applications must include: Online application at [instructions for completing the application can be found here]; Three (3) Letters of Reference (can be submitted online by instructors, professors or work supervisors, or sent via e-mail to the U.S. Embassy); Academic transcripts/diplomas (certified translation into English or verified copies of original academic transcript and degree certificate – scanned and attached to the application); Valid results from the U.S. standardized tests – TOEFL (required for all candidates) and GRE (required in most fields of study) – if the applicant has taken these tests in the past two years. Please note that we shall organize the taking of the required tests for the selected candidates; and Copy of passport. Please scan all the above-mentioned documents and upload to your online application. Please note that all items should be translated into English. Nominated candidates will have to submit a copy of the original academic transcript bearing all official legalization stamps to the U.S. Embassy Belgrade. The U.S. Embassy will advise the nominated candidates to submit a medical history and examination report if and when necessary. Application Deadline: March 31, 2020 Any application submitted to the United States or elsewhere, separate from the official system noted above, will not be considered. For additional information about the Fulbright Scholarship:
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Nova grupna priprema za GRE, ispit potreban za upis master i doktorskih studija u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 17. avgusta 2019. godine i traje osam nedelja. Termini za pripremu tokom sedmice su utorak i četvrtak od 18:30 do 20:30. Rasporedom se može odrediti i nekoliko radnih subota, što će biti dostupno na kalendaru rada koji je dostupan kandidatima za pripremu neposredno pre početka kursa. Pripreme obuhvataju i jezički i matematički deo, kao i pisanje eseja, sastavnog dela testa. Kandidati dobijaju kombinovani materijal u sklopu programa instrukcija i vežbanja. U cenu pripreme uključene su i dve kompjuterske simulacije testa koje se mogu uraditi na računarima u Centru ili kod kuće. Priprema košta 48,000 dinara i može se platiti u dve rate. Prvi deo se plaća u iznosu od 30,000 dinara na početku priprema, dok se ostatak plaća na početku drugog meseca predavanja. Sam test nije uključen u cenu i kandidati ga moraju samostalno registrovati i platiti na sajtu . Test se može polagati u Beogradu po kalendaru koji je dostupan na zvaničnom sajtu tokom procesa registracije. Pre početka priprema poželjno je uraditi besplatni probni test znanja engleskog jezika. Ovaj test traje oko devedeset minuta i može se zakazati tokom radnog vremena Centra. Probni test nije potreban za one koji su obrazovanje završili na engleskom govornom području, ili su u međuvremenu polagali neki od testova engleskog jezika. Prijava za pripremu se može obaviti na našoj stranici na Internetu - , pozivom na 011/334 9639, 011/334 9638 ili 065/3349639 tokom radnog vremena ili dolaskom kod nas u Zdravka Čelara 12, treći sprat. Za sve detalje možete nas nazvati tokom radnog vremena ili nam poslati e-mail na Istovremeno sa pripremom, Centar nudi i savetodavne usluge za dalje školovanje u Sjedinjenim Državama i na drugim lokacijama u svetu. Kao deo mreže obrazovnih informacionih centara EducationUSA, odobrenih i podržanih od strane Biroa za obrazovne i kulturne poslove Stejt departmenta, Međunarodni akademski centar nudi široki spektar informacija za potencijalne studente osnovnih, master i doktorskih studija u Americi. Polaznicima priprema na raspolaganju su besplatni termini za savetovanja o studiranju u Americi, o čemu ćemo vas obavestiti kada krene sezona organizovanih savetodavnih seminara. Ovi termini su višestruko korisni, jer kao budući studenti imate priliku da sa savetnicima za postdiplomske studije detaljno razmotrite svoje dalje mogućnosti školovanja i finansiranja studija.
Prolećna serija besplatnih grupnih savetovanja za postdiplomske studije počinje u maju. Zainteresovani kandidati za master i doktorske studije u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama saznaće više o procesu pretraživanja i upisa studija, testovima potrebnim za upis, strategiji izbora između više institucija i finansiranju obrazovanja. Savetovanja se organizuju petkom u kancelariji Centra u Beogradu po navedenom kalendaru. Jezik prezentacija je engleski. Prijavite se za savetovanja za koja ste zainteresovani prateći link u opisu. Za detaljnija pitanja o samim savetovanjima pošaljite nam e-mail na . Na terminima savetovanja moguće je postaviti sva pitanja na koja vam je potreban odgovor. Dodatne datume savetovanja, online termine i promene termina unosimo na ovoj stranici, kao i na društvenim mrežama na kojima smo prisutni. GS1: Proces pronalaženja opcija i upisa studija u Americi Savetovanje pokriva objašnjenja o američkom obrazovnom sistemu i koristi za domaće studente i nudi odgovore na pitanja o procesu prijavljivanja. Datum: 4. maj 2018. - 16:30 Prijava: GS2: Strategije za polaganje standardizovanih testova Ovo savetovanje je namenjeno budućim postdiplomcima u Americi, sa fokusom na GRE i GMAT. Na savetovanju će biti reči o tome kako se testovi koriste u procesu prijema na studije i šta bi kandidati trebalo da rade da steknu veštine koje će im biti od koristi za uspeh na testovima. Savetovanje ne obuhvata TOEFL. Datum: 11. maj 2018. - 16:30 Prijava: GS3: Finansiranje postdiplomskih studija Savetovanje predstavlja elemente strateškog finansijskog planiranja za postdiplomske studije. Široki rang finansijskih mogućnosti će biti razmatran, kao i prednosti i mane tih mogućnosti, za studente iz Srbije koji nameravaju da pronađu i završe studije na sledećem nivou u inostranstvu. Datum: 18. maj 2018. - 16:30 Prijava:
The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the Fulbright Graduate Study Program competition for the 2019-2020 academic year. The Fulbright Graduate Study Program enables young professionals from Serbia to study for one year or longer at U.S. universities to pursue Master’s level of study in the following fields: Agriculture American History American Literature American Studies Anthropology Archaeology Biological Sciences Chemistry Communications Computer Science Economics Education Engineering Environmental Sciences Geography Geology Information Sciences Journalism Library Science Linguistics Mathematics Philosophy Physics/Astronomy Political Science Psychology Social Work Sociology TEFL/Applied Linguistics Participants are selected through an open, merit-based competition. This prestigious award covers tuition and fees at a U.S. university, a monthly living stipend, health insurance, and international airfare. Eligibility requirements: Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of Serbia. Permanent U.S. residents and persons with dual (Serbian and U.S.) citizenship are ineligible. Applicants must be proficient in oral and written English (selected candidates will take TOEFL and GRE tests). Applicants must be eligible for a J-1 visa, which requires the grantee to return to the Republic of Serbia for a minimum of two years at the end of the grant period. Applicants must have completed undergraduate education at the time of application. Applicants already studying in the U.S. are ineligible for a Fulbright grant. Applicants must receive a satisfactory medical clearance. Persons desiring permanent residence in the United States are not eligible. General Selection Criteria: Strong academic record. Adaptability and personal suitability. Applicants should be representative and responsible citizens who contribute to a full and fair picture of the culture and civilization of Serbia. Preference is given to applicants who have not had a prior opportunity for studying in the United States. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, and sex. Selection Procedures: Applications are subject to pre-screening Applicants recommended by reviewers are invited for an interview conducted in person in English by a selection committee comprised of the Embassy representatives, U.S. and Serbian scholars, and Fulbright alumni Nominees are subject to final approval by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board How to apply: Completed applications must include: Online application at; Three (3) Letters of Reference (can be submitted online by instructors, professors or work supervisors, or sent via e-mail to the U.S. Embassy); Academic transcripts/diplomas (certified translation into English or verified copies of original academic transcript and degree certificate – scanned and attached to the application); Valid results from the U.S. standardized tests – TOEFL (required for all candidates) and GRE (required in most fields of study) – if the applicant has taken these tests in the past two years. Please note that we shall organize taking of the required tests for the selected candidates; Copy of passport. Please scan all the above mentioned documents and upload to your online application. Please note that all items should be translated into English. Nominated candidates will have to submit a copy of the original academic transcript bearing all official legalization stamps to the U.S. Embassy Belgrade. The U.S. Embassy will advise the nominated candidates to submit a medical history and examination report if and when necessary. Application Deadline: April 27, 2018 Any application submitted to the United States or elsewhere, separate from the official Fulbright Foreign Student program website noted above, will not be considered. For additional information, please contact
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If you are an international student studying in the US and seeking for some financial support, we found the perfect scholarship for you. The SelfScore Scholarship is a national scholarship program dedicated to F1, J1, and M1 students studying in the US. SelfScore is an analytics based consumer finance company that helps populations gain financial independence through access to credit. But at the moment, they are focusing on connecting international students to fair credit. This Fall, the company will grant twelve $5,000 scholarships: six for undergraduates and six for graduate students. That sounds good, right? Would you like to be considered for this scholarship? If so, here’s the eligible you must meet: Be a student studying in the U.S. on a F1, J1, or M1 visa during the 2017-2018 academic year. Must be accepted to study or continuing to study at an eligible college or university. Must submit a valid I-20 or DS-2019 form. Must score in the top 15% on a standardized U.S. college entrance exam (SAT, ACT, GRE, or GMAT). Must have a 3.0 GPA, or higher, or the equivalent from your prior studies. Recipients will be selected randomly among the eligible applicants and no purchase or credit application is required to apply for the scholarship. All applicants are enrolled in a Free Financial Literacy program and all scholarships are awarded on a one-time basis. Applicants may also designate an international student club or organization as part of their application which will receive a one-time grant of $1,000. If you would like to apply for this scholarship, you can get more information on how to apply for the SelfScore International Student Scholarship here. Deadline: September 28, 2017
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The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce two Fulbright competitions for the 2018-2019 academic year. Fulbright Graduate Study Program Fulbright Non-degree Research Program for Doctoral Students FULBRIGHT GRADUATE STUDY PROGRAM The Fulbright Graduate Study Program enables young professionals from Serbia to study for one year or longer at U.S. universities to pursue Master’s level of study in the following fields: Agriculture, Economics, Linguistics, American History, Education, Mathematics, American, Literature, Engineering, Philosophy, American Studies, Environmental Sciences, Physics/Astronomy, Anthropology, Geography, Political Science, Archaeology, Geology, Psychology, Biological Sciences, Information Sciences, Social Work, Chemistry, Journalism, Sociology, Communications, Library Science, TEFL/Applied Linguistics, Computer Science. Participants are selected through an open, merit-based competition. This prestigious award covers tuition and fees at a U.S. university, a monthly living stipend, health insurance, and international airfare. Eligibility requirements: Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of Serbia. Permanent U.S. residents and persons with dual (Serbian and U.S.) citizenship are ineligible. Applicants must be proficient in oral and written English (selected candidates will take TOEFL and GRE tests). Applicants must be eligible for a J-1 visa, which requires the grantee to return to the Republic of Serbia for a minimum of two years at the end of the grant period. Applicants must have completed undergraduate education at the time of application. Applicants already studying in the U.S. are ineligible for a Fulbright grant. Applicants must receive a satisfactory medical clearance. Persons desiring permanent residence in the United States are not eligible. General Selection Criteria: Strong academic record. Adaptability and personal suitability. Applicants should be representative and responsible citizens who contribute to a full and fair picture of the culture and civilization of Serbia. Preference is given to applicants who have not had a prior opportunity for studying in the United States. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, and sex. Selection Procedures: Applications are subject to pre-screening Applicants recommended by reviewers are invited for an interview conducted in person in English by a selection committee comprised of the Embassy representatives, U.S. and Serbian scholars, and Fulbright alumni Nominees are subject to final approval by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board How to apply: Completed applications must include: Online application at; Three (3) Letters of Reference (can be submitted online by instructors, professors or work supervisors, or sent via e-mail to the U.S. Embassy); Academic transcripts/diplomas (certified translation into English or verified copies of original academic transcript and degree certificate – scanned and attached to the application); Valid results from the U.S. standardized tests – TOEFL (required for all candidates) and GRE (required in most fields of study) – if the applicant has taken these tests in the past two years. Please note that we shall organize taking of the required tests for the selected candidates; Copy of passport. Please scan all the above mentioned documents and upload to your online application. Please note that all items should be translated into English. Nominated candidates will have to submit a copy of the original academic transcript bearing all official legalization stamps to the U.S. Embassy Belgrade. The U.S. Embassy will advise the nominated candidates to submit a medical history and examination report if and when necessary. Application Deadline: August 5, 2017 Any application submitted to the United States or elsewhere, separate from the official U.S. Embassy embark system noted above, will not be considered. For additional information about the Fulbright Scholarship please send an email to FULBRIGHT NON-DEGREE RESEARCH PROGRAM FOR DOCTORAL STUDENTS The Fulbright Non-degree Research Program for Doctoral Students enables young professionals from Serbia who are already enrolled in a PhD program at a Serbian university to conduct research at a U.S. related to their PhD thesis. Grants last 6 to 9 months, and the PhD students from the following fields can apply: Agriculture, American History, American Literature, American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Geology, Information Sciences, Journalism, Library Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics/Astronomy, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, TEFL/Applied Linguistics Participants are selected through an open, merit-based competition. This prestigious award covers tuition and fees at a U.S. university, a monthly living stipend, health insurance, and international airfare. Eligibility requirements: Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of Serbia. Permanent U.S. residents and persons with dual (Serbian and U.S.) citizenship are ineligible. Applicants must hold at least a Master’s degree, and must be enrolled in a PhD program. Applicants must be proficient in oral and written English (selected candidates will take TOEFL test). Applicants must be eligible for a J-1 visa, which requires the grantee to return to the Republic of Serbia for a minimum of two years at the end of the grant period. Applicants already studying in the U.S. are ineligible for a Fulbright grant. Applicants must receive a satisfactory medical clearance. Persons desiring permanent residence in the United States are not eligible. General Selection Criteria: Academic credentials. Significance and feasibility of the proposed research. Necessity to undertake the project in the U.S. Plans for popularizing the research findings. Adaptability and personal suitability. Applicants should be representative and responsible citizens who contribute to a full and fair picture of the culture and civilization of Serbia. Preference is given to applicants who have not had a prior opportunity for studying in the United States. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, and sex. Selection Procedures: Applications are subject to pre-screening Applicants recommended by reviewers are invited for an interview conducted in person in English by a selection committee comprised of the Embassy representatives, U.S. and Serbian scholars, and Fulbright alumni Nominees are subject to final approval by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board How to apply: Completed applications must include: Online application at; Three (3) Letters of Reference (can be submitted online by instructors, professors or work supervisors, or sent via e-mail to the U.S. Embassy); Academic transcripts/diplomas (certified translation into English or verified copies of original academic transcript and degree certificate – scanned and attached to the application); Official English translation of certificate for the current academic status (scanned and attached to the application); Valid results from the U.S. standardized test – TOEFL – if the applicant has taken this test in the past two years. Please note that we shall organize taking of the required tests for the selected candidates; Copy of passport. Please scan all the above mentioned documents and upload to your online application. Please note that all items should be translated into English. Nominated candidates will have to submit a copy of the original academic transcript bearing all official legalization stamps to the U.S. Embassy Belgrade. The U.S. Embassy will advise the nominated candidates to submit a medical history and examination report if and when necessary. Application Deadline: August 5, 2017 Any application submitted to the United States or elsewhere, separate from the official U.S. Embassy embark system noted above, will not be considered. For additional information about the Fulbright Scholarship please send an email to