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master vs phd

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Posto nisam bila sigurna da li sam na dobro mesto postavila pitanje.... evo jos jednom...

Ja sam na 1.god. mastera na arhitektonskom fakultetu. Zainteresovana sam za postidplomske studije.

Ako sam dobro shvatila da u graduate studies spadaju i master i phd, i da je moguce upisati phd i odmah posle osnovnoh studija, bez mastera?

Posto se aplikacije salju u decebru,januaru tj. pocetkom god.ja cu tada imati zavrsenu 2 god.mastera ali cu diplomirati tek odprilike krajem

letnjeg semestra.

Da li to znaci da bi trebalo da sacekam da imam diplomu mastera u rukama pa da onda konkurisem za narednu god.2010 ?

A ako bi se odlucila da apliciram za 2009 da li bi mi uzeli u obzir samo barchelor degree, ili postji sansa da mi uzmu u obzir i maser?


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Dear Natalija,

First of all, in the past there have been quite a few programs that allow students to go from a Bachelors program directly into PhD. studies. These decisions are generally made by the departments and are rather common in many social science areas.

On the other hand, the Bologna Process has put events into transition. US colleges and universities are watching the process develop and constantly assessing and re-assessing the situation.

It is my understanding that there have been some far-reaching changes in architecture studies here in Serbia, so we are really looking at a new and fluid situation. My personal opinion is that a completed masters degree is probably going to provide a more solid foundation to a grad studies application. However, you do not have to have it "in hand" to apply. However, the school will admit you with the understanding that you will have completed the masters program prior to entry to your studies in the United States.

Hopefully as more and more US Schools see the new Serbian education credentials through Bologna, the process will become clearer. At this time, we are looking at case by case situations with each archictecture department evaluating the course of study for a bachelors degree, which is why I stated that the masters program is most certainly going to cover the required areas for graduate studies at this time.


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