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posle srednje skole sam upisao Microsoft-ov kurs MCSE{MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEM ENGINEER} koji sadrzi 7 ispita...koji prosek da navedem u aplikaciji ,srednje skole ili prosek sa ispita?

nije mi jasna jedna stvar oko finansiranja...ako koledz koji odaberem kosta npr.10000$ ,to je cifra koja mora se uplati na racun odmah cim me prime na koledz a kako ce moji roditelji dokazati da ce me finansirati cele godine...?na koji nacin se taj uslov ostvaruje?

ja sam zaposlen ali ce mi roditelji slati pare jer cu ja biti na neplacenom dokle god traje skolovanje...sta mi preporucujete da uradim?

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Dear Kragujevac,

The college/university that you are applying to is interested in your GPA from the high school and will want to see those transcripts. Now as far as the Microsoft Certifications, those are just awards, courses, and work "above and beyond the call of duty", so to speak.

In order for your family to "prove" that there is enough money to finance your education, your family will need to show bank statements, a statement signed by the employer of each of your parents as to how much is earned and so on.

One thing is not real clear to me, probably because my reading of Serbian is not always good - rather child like in nature -

Have you already decided on a school? If your family has some money to contribute towards your educational costs, you may be able to get some kind of partial funding from the schools you apply to in order to offset your costs. Most students that can throw a few thousand at the school can often get partial scholarships.

It is a bit more challenging to get a full ride, so if you have some funding to put towards your education, your chances for say, 50% or so, really increase.

Have you been to our undergraduate advising? Do we have any paperwork on you? I would encourage you to make the trip to an undergraduate advising session. It would give a chance to meet you, get some information on your situation, and see exactly where you are in the process.



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Da ,dolazio sam na savetovanje o studiranju,21.03.2007, koje je odrzala Mrs. Joan...jako prijatna zena i sve pohvale o njenom predavanju.

Moje ime je Marko Zivkovic i zelim da upisem koledz u Usa,computer science...

Znaci Vi mi predlazete da npr. ako moja skolarina,smestaj i hrana kostaju oko 12000$ plus troskovi,da trazim pomoc od koledza za jedan deo novca...nesto kao stipendija?!

Dali ste mi ideju,pokusacu....Mislio sam da to tesko funkcionise,nemam bas neki GPA a TOEFL i SAT tek treba da polazem.

Nameravam da sledece nedelje dodjem na testiranje za TOEFL pa da sacekam neki pripremni seminar jer smatram da mi je potreban.

Inace,moji roditelji su planirali da na njihov racun uplate oko 15000$ posto bi moja skolarina i stanovanje kostalo negde oko 9000-10000$ pa ostatak da bude garancija da ce me oni izdrzavati u prvoj godini studiranja.



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