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News: Serb Students Win Scholarships at U.S. Military Service Academies

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August 12, 2008

Embassy of the United States of America


Serb Students Win Scholarships at U.S. Military Service Academies

Two students from Serbia's Military High School have won four year scholarships to prestigious U.S. military service academies. Milos Seovac will study at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Branko Kovacevic will study at the United States Military Academy, at West Point, New York. Milos will be joining colleague Bojan Udovicic who just finished his first year at the Air Force Academy. All the Serb students will spend four years studying after which they will receive a Bachelor of Science degree. They will then return to Serbia and receive a commission in the Serbian Armed Forces.

Admission to the U.S. Military Academies is extremely competitive. Incoming classes usually consist of about 1400 cadets; less than 1000 of whom usually make it through to graduation. Only 15 slots are allocated annually for foreign students at each of the academies. That two students from Serbia received a highly coveted position at the Academies speaks highly of the caliber of Serbian students.

Candidates are judged based on their academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, athletics and character. To gain admission, candidates must also pass a fitness test, and undergo a thorough medical examination.

The U.S. Defense Attach?'s Office (DAO) assisted the students throughout the long, in-depth application process. The DAO worked with the Military High School to identify qualified students, ultimately selecting a total of 12 potential candidates, six for each academy. The U.S. Air Attach? interviewed all the candidates. After the initial meetings, six of the candidates decided not to proceed with the process, leaving a total of six candidates, or three for each academy. The U.S. Air Attach? assisted the candidates in filling out the detailed application, helped prepare them for the standardized testing, and administered the athletic aptitude test. While the candidates must perform well academically, the DAO recommendation plays a significant role in determining the final selection at the U.S. Military Academies. In addition, the International Academic Center of Serbia, under the direction of Ms. Elizabeth Chung, was indispensable in setting up the standardized tests (SAT and TOEFL), and helping prepare the students for these tests.

The acceptance of these two bright students to U.S. Military Academies, is yet another example of successful military to military cooperation between the United States and Serbia.


Milos Seovac (first year student) and Bojan Udovicic (second year student) at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Milo? ?eovac (student prve godine) i Bojan Udovičić (student druge godine) na Vazduhoplovnoj akademiji SAD u Kolorado Springsu, dr?ava Kolorado

12. avgust, 2008

Ambasada Sjedinjenih Američkih Dr?ava


Studenti iz Srbije dobili stipendije na vojnim akademijama u SAD

Dva studenta iz Vojne gimnazije Srbije dobili su četvorogodi?nje stipendije na presti?nim vojnim akademijama vidova SAD. Milo? ?eovac će studirati na Vazduhoplovnoj akademiji SAD u Kolorado Springsu, dr?ava Kolorado, a Branko Kovačević na Vojnoj akademiji SAD u Vest Pointu, dr?ava Nju Jork. Milo? će se pridru?iti kolegi Bojanu Udovičiću koji je upravo zavr?io prvu godinu na Vazduhoplovnoj akademiji SAD. Svi studenti iz Srbije prove?će četiri godine na studijama, posle čega će dobiti diplomu Bečelor nauka, a potom će se vratiti u Srbiju na du?nosti u Vojsci Srbije.

Upis na vojne akademije SAD je izuzetno te?ak. Na početnim klasama upi?e se oko 1400 kadeta; manje od hiljadu uspe da diplomira. Obe akademije dodeljuju samo po 15 mesta za strane studente. Činjenica da su studenti iz Srbije dobili presti?na mesta na ovim Akademijama dovoljno govori o kvalitetu srpskih studenata.

Kandidati se procenjuju na osnovu akademskih dostignuća, izra?enih liderskih sposobnosti, sportskih sposobnosti i karaktera. Da bi se upisali, kandidati moraju da polo?e test fizičke spremnosti i prođu lekarski pregled.

Kancelarija vojnog ata?ea je pomogla studentima tokom dugotrajnog i detaljnog procesa prijavljivanja. Kancelarija vojnog ata?ea radila je sa Vojnom gimnazijom kako bi identifikovala kvalifikovane studente, i na kraju izabrala 12 potencijalnih kandidata, po ?est za svaku akademiju. Vazduhoplovni ata?e SAD intervjuisao je sve kandidate. Posle početnih sastanaka ?est kandidata je odlučilo da ne nastavi proces, tako da je ostalo ukupno ?est kandidata, ili tri za svaku akademiju. Vazduhoplovni ata?e je pomago kandidatima da popune detaljne formulare za prijem, pripreme se za standardizovano testiranje i sproveo test fizičkih sposobnosti. Premda svi kandidati moraju da imaju dobre akademske rezultate, preporuka Kancelarije vojnog ata?ea ima značajnu ulogu prilikom konačnog procesa selekcije na vojnim akademijama SAD. Pored toga Međunarodni akademski centar Srbije, pod upravom gospođe Elizabete Čang, je bio od velike pomoći prilikom organizacije standarnih testova poznavanja jezika (SAT i TOEFL) i pripreme studenata za testove.

Prijem ova dva sjajna studenta na vojne akademije SAD je jo? jedan primer uspe?ne vojne saradnje između SAD i Srbije.

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